- Baldwin County Public Schools
- Professional Development Overview & Contact Information
Professional Development
If you have questions about Professional Development or need additional information please contact Cynthia Lee at clee@bcbe.org or call 251.972.8567
Local School Professional Development Guidelines:
Educators in Alabama are required to maintain a file in the local school for the Professional Development credit hours earned. Each year educators are to keep a record of all in-service activities in which they participated since the end of the previous year. PowerSchool Professional Learning may be used to update professional development history. Documentation of participation is given to the principal for prior approval. The principal will approve the appropriate hours of credit through the use of PowerSchool Professional Learning.
Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools require a minimum of 120 clock hours in a five-year period. The local file documents this requirement.
One CEU is 10 clock hours.The following guidelines for credit hours valid for Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools may assist principals as they approve the credit on the PowerSchool Professional Learning. Credit will only be awarded for activities that meet the following criteria.
Workshops, seminars, and meetings that are sponsored by the school or school system must have a clearly defined purpose and are designed to improve the professional competency of the participants.
Activities should relate to the teachers' instructional responsibilities.
The educator should show the use of the workshop to improve student learning.
Data/Team or Grade Level meetings that focus on improving student learning should have an agenda and measurable outcomes.
Book Study – Participants may earn up to 6 clock hours
Ask the question: Did you do this activity expressly to improve student learning?Meetings and conventions:
Professional meetings or conventions that are sponsored by a collegiate institution, and educational system, or a professional association and cover topics of professional interest relevant to an individual's responsibilities for the school. (Note: May earn up to 12 clock hours)
Professional conferences/conventions (Actual clock hours in sessions)Travel:
Travel shall involve professional experiences designed to increase the competence or expertise of the staff member in their field of work. A diary of the trip must be prepared by the staff member and filed with their personnel record. (Note: May earn up to 10 clock hours) For example: Extended overnight workshops (Actual clock hours in sessions)
Presentations or Publications:
Publications on educational topics or papers presented at professional seminars. The publication should be 2,000 words or more and a presentation of 25 minutes. (Note: May earn up to 10 clock hours). Educational Publication credit
Standards Assessment Report or Quality Assurance Review Team:
Participation in developing a SAR or serving on a team visit for the purpose of accreditation. (Participation in the SAR or QAR may earn up to 20 clock hours).
School Improvement Projects:Examples:
- SACS Committee Member Curriculum Writing Projects
- Textbook Selection Committee School Leadership Team
- SACS Steering Committee Chair/ Internal Facilitator (Limit: 2 per school) National Board Certification Process
- Maximum: 20 clock hours per year
Credit is not awarded for the following activities:
- Activities or camps that are conducted for students
- Travel
- Personal interest classes that do not directly relate to the instructional assignment Meetings that are informational or procedural in nature (Ex: Faculty Meetings)
- Vendor exhibitions/Vendor presentations, unless the product has already been purchased. PTA/PTO Meetings
- Civic/community group presentations or attendance
- Membership in or on boards of organizations
- Workshops that are of a personal nature (Ex: retirement information, hobbies)
- Testing a student
Each school is responsible for approving, monitoring, and maintaining appropriate records that reflect each professional staff member’s activities related to the fulfillment of the standard for accreditation requirements.
How to Add External (Outside) Professional Development Instructions
Log onto the Power School Professional Learning Website https://alsde.truenorthlogic.com
Select and Create an External Credit Request
Add title/clock hours as it appears on the certificate
Add a Brief Description (required)
There is no PD Title Number: Put N/A in the field
Download your certificate
Use the blue text box to submit for Credit Approval
Send an e-mail message to Ms. Cynthia Lee that you’ve entered a request for External Credit. She may be reached at clee@bcbe.org. -
Professional Development Forms and Documents
Managing Crisis Safely (MCS) Initial Intervention Training
MCS signin sheet template_Initial Training_Days 1 and 2.pdf 151.29 KB (Last Modified on September 4, 2024)