- Elberta Elementary
- F.A.Q.
Please click the question to reveal the answer.
How do I apply for Free and Reduced Lunch?
Applications are completed online this year.https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
What's for Breakfast and Lunch today?
What is the cost of school lunch?
All students: $2.75
Reduced: $0.40
Adult and children visitors: $4.00
BCBE employees: $3.50
Second tray: $3.50
Does Elberta Elementary serve breakfast?
Yes! We serve breakfast.
All students: $1.75
Reduced: $0.30
Adult Children and Visitors: $2.25
BCBE Employees: $2.00
Second Breakfast tray: $2.00
Where can I find school supply lists?
School supply lists are currently posted on the home page of our school website.
What is the bell schedule?
Doors will open at 7:00am for Car Riders and 7:15am for Bus Riders.
Students need to be in their classrooms by 7:45. Tardy bell will ring t 7:50am.
Carline and 1st wave buses will dismiss at 3:00.
2nd wave buses will dismiss at 3:15.