- Robertsdale Elementary
- FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my school zone?
Use the school locator on the county website here.
My child currently attends public school in Baldwin County. How do I transfer my child to a new school?
You will withdraw your child from the current school and bring those documents to your new school with two new proof of residency documents. Those documents must have the custodial name of that child.
You can visit here https://www.bcbe.org/registration
What documents are needed to register a student?
- Birth certificate
- Alabama Shot Record
- 2 proof of residency with the custodial's name and a recent date
- Social Security Card (optional)
You can visit here https://www.bcbe.org/registration
How do I register my child?
For returning students use the link with your provided snapcode.
If your child is new, you will go to the bcbe.org and register a new student. https://www.bcbe.org/registration
What are the school office hours?
During the school year, the hours are 7:15-4:00
My student is attending a field trip. Can I meet the class at the location? What is needed for parent attending the field trip.
For safety reasons, parents may not meet their student at the field trip location. Chaperoning spots are limited. Teachers will have directives on how to volunteer as a field trip approaches. All chaperones will have to ride the bus to and from the field trip location.
Is the school featured on any other social media sites?
No. All information can be found on our school website and Facebook page.
What is the address of your Facebook Page?
https://www.facebook.com/RobertsdaleElementarySchool/. Please remember that our school Facebook page is a source to provide information. It is not a place to vent. If you have a question or concern, please send a private message. Any negative comments will be deleted.
How do I apply for PreK?
When the spring comes, applications will be available for the upcoming school year’s PreK programs. Anyone interested may complete an application, but that is not a guarantee that children will be admitted.
Do you offer PreK?
We do have PreK classrooms. These programs go through a lottery system or have students who attend in order to receive specially designed instruction per an individualized education plan.
Student pickup-how to change?
You may send in a change of transportation note to have your child’s pickup changed. Please keep in mind that we do not change children’s buses as all students are taken home to their 911 address.
What is my bus?
In order to verify which bus comes to your area, please contact the front office for assistance.
What time can I expect the bus to arrive at my home?
We have close to 30 buses that come through each morning. Each drop off time varies depending on the route. If you are unsure of the time, you can call the office and we can give you an estimated drop off time.
What time is bus pickup?
We have close to 30 buses that come through each morning. Each pickup time varies depending on the route. If you are unsure of the time, you can call the office and we can give you an estimated pickup time.
Do you offer after-school care?
We do have after-school care. Registration for that opens up towards the end of the school year/beginning of the summer. Once it fills up, which it always does, anyone who was not admitted goes on a waiting list.
What is the cost of the snack?
All snacks sold by the school are $1.00 each.
Are school snacks offered for purchase?
We do sell a variety of school snacks and will be selling ice cream this year. 3rd-6th grades can purchase ice cream any day. PreK-2nd grade can purchase on Wednesdays.
Do you serve breakfast?
We do serve breakfast and students eat in the cafeteria until 7:35. After that point, they are able to pick up a bagged breakfast and eat in the classroom.
How do I apply for free/reduced lunch?
An electronic application must be completed at the following site https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application.
How can I find the school menus?
The school menus are linked to the side of the homepage of our website.
How do I add funds to my child’s lunch account?
You can send in an envelope with your child’s name and teacher on it or you may add funds online at https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/login/getmain?requestAction=home.
What is the price of the school lunch?
Prices for all student and adult lunches can be found in our student handbook located on our website.
What is the lunch schedule?
Our first group of students go to lunch at 10:30 and the last group finishes up right before 1. If you want to know your child’s specific lunch time, please contact their teacher.
Does the school offer recess?
If a teacher’s schedule allows, they can take their students out to play for 15 minutes. It is important to know, recess is not a state requirement.
Where can I find a school calendar? Including school breaks, holidays?
Many important dates can be found on the last page of the student handbook located on our website. We also have a calendar on the website that has most important days, including student holidays.
How many absences can my child have?
Students may have 9 parent notes. After that, a doctor’s note is required for each absence.
When do absences become an issue?
Per the BCBE Board Policy - Elementary and Middle School Students - a student may not exceed nine (9) unexcused absences per class per academic year. If a student misses more than half of a school day, a full absence will be accumulated. A student and a student’s parent or guardian shall be given written notice when a student’s unexcused absences exceed two (2) days. The student can be retained if unexcused absences exceed nine (9) unexcused absences per year. If the maximum number of unexcused absences is exceeded, the student and parent/guardian may petition the Attendance Committee for review of the reasons for the absences. Petition for review by the Attendance Committee at the school can be filled-out at any time after notification, but in any event, no later than 10 school days before the final day of the school year. The Attendance Committee shall review the student’s entire attendance record and documented excuses to determine whether to allow the student to pass.
Why is it important for my child to attend school?
Check out the website to see the impact irregular attendance can have on your child. https://www.attendanceworks.org/chronic-absence/the-problem/10-facts-about-school-attendance/
What are the school hours? When is a child considered late for school?
The school office opens at 7:15 and closes at 4. Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:55.
What to do if my child takes medication?
Please call or come by the front office to speak to one of our nurses.
IEP/504 Plan-What do I do?
Please bring your child’s plan to the front office for review.
How can I find the school supply lists?
School supply lists can be found on the homepage of our website and our school Facebook page.
What days can my child be out of uniform?
Announcements will be made if students are afforded an out of uniform day.
What is your uniform policy?
We follow the Baldwin County uniform policy, but do allow students to wear t-shirts daily that have been purchased at the school. For a deeper look at the uniform policy, it can be accessed in the Baldwin County student handbook.
Do you offer a PTO? How do I join?
We have a wonderful PTO and it is free to be a member. You simply show up to one of the monthly PTO meetings held at the school. Dates for meetings are advertised on our digital sign and the monthly Cub Report.
What is the student/teacher ratio?
This varies from grade to grade and is solely dependent upon enrollment each year.
When is the first day of school?
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Are registration fees charged?
We do not charge any fees, but we do give an opportunity for you to donate in order to help with opening school expenses.
What is the address of the school?
1 Cub Drive
Robertsdale, AL 36567
Are tours of the school offered?
Yes! We would be happy to set up a tour for any family considering moving to our area or planning to register their children. Keep in mind that during a school tour, no classrooms will be visited to protect each student’s learning time. Please just call the front office at 251-947-4003 to arrange a tour.