- Silverhill Elementary
- Frequently Asked Questions
We are new to the BCBE school system. Is there information for me?
Yes! Please visit the Parent Information Links page.
What documents are needed to register my child?
- 2 proofs of residence
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card (requested)
- Custody Papers, if applicable
- Required Documentation – Students entering the school system for the first time, regardless of grade level, are not required to submit a birth certificate, but may be requested to submit a birth certificate or another form of acceptable documentation to verify the student’s age. A social security number may also be requested, but such request is voluntary and is not a requirement of enrollment. In addition, students will be required to submit other registration materials in accordance with State law and as school officials may reasonably require including, but not limited to, a certificate of immunization or an exemption as prescribed by the Department of Public Health and signed by a private physician or appropriate health department official. The Superintendent may accept alternate forms of evidence or modify otherwise applicable requirements as necessary and appropriate to accommodate migrant, immigrant, limited English proficient or homeless students.
When is the first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year?
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 10.
Where can I find a school calendar?
Visit BCBE's District Calendar for all yearly school calendars.
For a school calendar, visit our school calendar on our web site or check with your student's homeroom teacher.
What are the school hours?
School Day: 7:45 – 3:00
Breakfast: 7:15 - 7:45
1st Bell: 7:45
Tardy Bell: 7:50
Dismissal: 3:00 - 3:15
ASCC: 3:00 – 5:30 -
What is the price of school breakfast and lunch?
- All students pre-K thru 12 $2.00
- Reduced Breakfast $0.30
- Adult and Children Visitors $2.50
- BCBE Employees $2.25
- Second Breakfast Tray $3.00
- All Students Pre-K thru 12 $3.00
- Reduced Lunch $0.40
- Adult and Children Visitors $4.25
- BCBE Employees $3.75
- Second Lunch Tray $4.00
How do I apply for free/reduced lunch?
Click on the link for the online application:
How do I add funds to my child's lunch account or pay fees?
To pay online, you may use My School Bucks.
How do I find the school's menu?
What is the uniform policy?
What are check-out procedures?
Early dismissals are discouraged unless emergencies exist. Students should try to avoid situations where they miss time at school. A parent or guardian must come to the school office to sign the student out. Only legal guardians or designees of legal guardians may check a child out of school. Parents should not got to the room to get their child. The office will call the room after the child has been signed-out. No early dismissals are allowed after 2:00 pm, unless in case of an emergency.
What are car line procedures?
Morning: Please do not drop off your child prior to 7:15 a.m. in the morning.
Afternoon: Car line will begin at 3:00 p.m. The car line will flow through the horse shoe by the school office. All cars picking up students must have their car rider number visible. Anyone picking up a child through the car rider line without a number will have to check out their student in the office.
Do you offer After School Child Care?
Yes, from 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
What do I do if my child takes medication?
Please contact our school nurse.
Medications given at school require a medication authorization form to be completed by the physician and the parent for prescription medications. Parents will be notified when refills are needed. Over the counter medication requires a medication form signed by the parent. All over the counter medication should be in the original container with dosage and directions clearly stated. Over the counter medication must be cleared by the nurse. The parent/guardian shall pick up student’s medication at the end of the school year. All medications not picked up will be destroyed.
Do you have a PTA? How do I join?
Yes, Silverhill Elementary has a wonderful Parent/Teacher Association.They have a Facebook page you can "like." You can also email silverhillpta@gmail.com with any questions.
What is the address of the school?
Silverhill Elementary
15800 4th Avenue
Silverhill, AL 36576