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School Dress Code
Baldwin County Board of Education
Dress Code Policy
I. Overview
All Students are expected to be clean and appropriately dressed for school. Dress and appearance must not present health or safety problems or cause disruption and should encourage a serious approach to school. The Board prohibits any clothing or grooming that in the principal’s judgment, may reasonably be expected to cause a substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations. The local school principal will be the final authority for determining appropriate dress within the framework of the policies below. All schools will utilize a dress code. The dress code will consist of guidelines that students must follow to ensure appropriate attire. Appropriate dress and grooming in the school atmosphere can be determined by neatness, cleanliness, safety, appropriate selection of attire, and freedom from the distraction of other students and/or the learning process. Any article of clothing or grooming that the principal can reasonably expect to cause a material or substantial disruption of or interference with normal school operations can be prohibited.
Specific School Dress Code Guidelines
All attire:
A. No pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that:
- Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene,
- Advertises or depicts tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs or any other illegal substance, or
- Contains fighting words or incites criminal activity; or
- Can reasonably be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations.
a. Tops that reveal the body in an inappropriate manner are not permitted. This includes but is not limited to mid-riffs, crop tops, bare at the sides, sundresses, “spaghetti strap” type tops, racer backs, off-the-shoulder tops, low-cut front or low-cut tops.
b. No cut-off/crop tops. (No midriff can be showing)
c. No sleeveless garments.
d. No see-through garments.
e. Designed so that the neckline does not reveal cleavage.
f. Designed to cover all undergarments.
g. Fit properly - no oversized or overly tight tops.
h. No tank top/undershirt can be worn as a shirt.
a. Length should be at fingertip/hand or mid-thigh, whichever is longer.
b. Fit properly - no oversized or tight shorts.
c. No spandex, biker, or see-through shorts.
d. Must be hemmed and not rolled up.
a. Length should be at fingertip or mid-thigh, whichever is longer.
b. Splits may not exceed (3) inches above the top of the knee.
a. Proper fit-no sagging or baggy fit: worn at the waist.
b. No see-through or spandex legging pants.
c. Pants that are too tight or allow for exposure of undergarments are not permitted.
d. Leggings, yoga pants, and other tight-fitting, spandex or lycra-based pants must be worn with an acceptable top that covers the private areas of the body.
e. Leggings/tights may be worn only under shirts and dresses of appropriate length so that the buttocks and private area are covered.
f. No holes in jeans in inappropriate areas (length rule); Pants or Jeans may only have holes at the knee or below. Pants or Jeans that have holes above the knee are not allowed unless there is material beneath the holes.
g. Sweatpants and warm-up suits will be allowed.
a. Must be worn at all times and fastened properly.
b. *Classes may require certain shoes and/or prohibit certain shoes for safety reasons. Ex. P.E., Chemistry.
c. No bedroom slippers.
d. For elementary school students, no open-toed or open-heeled shoes may be allowed for safety reasons (i.e., no Crocs).
a. Students may not wear hats or head coverings in school buildings or on school premises. This includes but is not limited to bandannas, athletic headbands, headscarves/hair wraps, hoodies, and other forms of headgear or hair covering.
b. Exceptions include:
- Headgear used as part of a uniform such as the JROTC cap, band uniform hats, and athletic headgear worn with a uniform on the playing and practice fields are allowed.
- Religious purposes, which have been approved prior to wearing.
- During extremely cold weather, students will be allowed to wear toboggans outdoors on campus.
c. Other than safety-related accessories for safety-related purposes, accessories such as masks, hats, caps, sweatbands, or other head coverings will not be worn in the building.
d. No gang-related clothing/items will be allowed.