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Morning Drop-Off Traffic Flow Details:
Cars will enter from Highway 31 and exit on to Highway 225. Morning traffic should flow easily in a single lane.
Car Line DO's:
- Please make sure your child is READY to exit your vehicle by the time you arrive at the drop-off area in front of the 6th Grade Academy (EX: unbuckled, has backpack ready, not eating breakfast while we are trying to unload, etc.) Having your children ready and prepared makes our car line process much more efficient.
- Students should exit on the PASSENGER SIDE ONLY!
- Students should exit as soon as the car line stops.
- Yield to our buses. Our buses will be entering from HWY 225 and will need to enter our Front Office parking area and loop around the east side of the building to drop off. They will also need to cross back over car line to park.
Car Line DONT's:
- Do NOT get out of your vehicle. Students should exit the car on the passenger side. If they are having difficulty, we have adults on duty that can assist.
- Do NOT pass stopped traffic in car line.
- Do NOT wait until your child gets to the front of the car line to let them exit. They should exit as soon as the car line stops in the unloading zone. Holding students until they get to the front of the line causes traffic to back up and is not considerate of those who have already unloaded their children behind you in line.
- Do NOT block the intersections to our main building parking areas.
Afternoon Pick-Up Traffic Flow Details:
Cars will enter from Highway 31, turn into the 1st entrance into the main parking area and loop through in a single line. Once our 1st Run buses have departed, cars will break off into two lines in front of the 6th Grade Academy.
- You will enter from Highway 31 and exit on to Highway 225.
- You will enter in single file, then we will double the traffic line to load, and then you will exit in single file.
- We ask that when you arrive at the loading zone, in front of the 6th Grade Academy, that you please put your vehicle in PARK, so that when we are loading students, no vehicle will accidentally move during the time students are being loaded into vehicles. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT for our afternoon loading procedures!
- Please keep your car line sign visible to teachers until you leave the loading zone. This is to ensure we are loading the correct student into the correct vehicle in a timely manner.
- NO cars will move from the loading zone until ALL vehicles have been loaded in that zone.
- Please remember to YIELD to our buses and after care buses/vans.
- DO NOT block intersections or entrances into our main building's parking areas.