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Foley High House System Motivates Students


Foley High School System 


Foley High School has implemented a House System to their campus. The entire school, from students, to faculty, to support staff, has been divided into eight separate houses. The Houses are named after prominent streets in Foley, which include: Oak, Pine, Fern, Magnolia, McKenzie, Alston, Laurel, and Cedar.

Students can earn points for their house through their academic performances and positive behavior referrals. Students earn positive referrals by being recognized faculty or staff or positive behaviors observed on campus. Faculty and staff members are only able to award a positive referral once a quarter, so when a student earns one it is a big deal! 

At the close of the first quarter, our top three houses were awarded with an ice cream social provided by Stacey’s Olde Tyme Soda Fountain. We are extremely grateful for Stacey’s generosity and support of our students.

Our top three winners for this quarter were: First Place - House McKenzie, Second Place - House Magnolia, and Third Place - House Alston! Points start over at the beginning of quarter two, and we are excited to see the students continue working hard and earning points for their house! (If you would like to help support the rewards and incentives being awarded to the students, you can contact the school for more information).


Ice Cream Party 1


Ice Cream 2


Ice Cream 3


Ice Cream Party4