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Senior Countdown Class of 2025
Senior Countdown for the Class of 2025
September 25th – Josten’s Senior Graduation Presentation
September 27th - Senior Beach Day at the Hangout; Mrs. K. will have details coming soon
September 30th - Senior make-up pictures – there will be a sitting fee; these are the pictures that go in the yearbook
October 2nd and 3rd – Senior orders for graduation supplies
October 14th – 18th – HOCO Week!
October 17th – HOCO parade and Leo in the Park
October 18th – HOCO Queen crowning and FHS vs. Davidson
October 19th – HOCO Dance; STUCO will have details coming soon
January 23rd – Cap and Gown Pictures – these will be in the library; they are optional; there is a sitting fee
March 29th – Prom; Mrs. Champion will have details coming soon
April 24th – 27th - Senior Trip to Orlando; see Mrs. K. in room 920 for details
May 8, 9, and 12 – Final Exams
May 13th – Cap and Gown Pick-Up, Senior Class Picture, Senior slideshow, and Elementary visits
May 16th (tentatively) – Senior Award’s Night at the Foley High School Gym at 6:00 P.M. (Ms. Gosa will have more information on that later in the school year)
May 16th - Baccalaureate Practice at 10:00 A.M. at Foley United Methodist Church - Sanctuary; Seniors MUST attend practice in order to participate in Baccalaureate
May 18th – Baccalaureate Service at Foley United Methodist Church Sanctuary at 7:00 P.M.
May 20th - MANDATORY Graduation Practice at the Foley Event Center at 8:30 A.M.
Graduation Ceremony at the Foley Event Center at 7:00 P.M. Seniors arrive at 6:15
** A more in-depth countdown will be given at a later date. This is simply for you to be able to go ahead and put these dates on the calendar!
Senior Administrator: Mr. Shotts
Senior Counselor: Mrs. Thomas
Senior Sponsor/Graduation Coordinator: Mrs. K. (Room 920)
Yearbook/Senior Pictures: Ms. Mackey