Graduation Credit Checklist

This is the checklist that is used to help keep track of credits met and credits still needed in order to graduate in four years. 

You MUST have: 

4 credits: Mathmatics

4 credits: Science

4 credits: Social Studies

4 credits: English 

3 credits: CTE (CTE credits are foreign language, fine arts, or career tech (AG, FACS, trade school, or ROTC)) You must have three credits. It can be all the same or the credits can be mixed.

{For example:  1. Art I    2. Art II    3. Art III or

                      1. Spanish I   2. Ag  3. Art I}

1 credit: PE (athletics, marching band, ROTC {year 2}) 

1 credit: Career Prep (ROTC {year 1} can count as credit) 

1/2 credit: Health

2 1/2 additional credits: any additional 2 1/2 credits after other requirements are met


Graduation Checklist for Website.docx - Google Docs.pdf, 108.68 KB; (Last Modified on August 28, 2020)