Toro Task Team

  • Our Toro Task Team is a great example of volunteerism at it's finest! These amazing students are volunteering their time and energy to help keep our students safe. If you are looking for our members, you will find them in front of our school wearing their T.T.T. vests while opening and closing doors for students to ensure the students are safe. You might hear them say, "good morning" and "have a nice day". The afternoon crew works hard too while helping students get to the right colored cone...reminding them to walk behind the cones as Mr. Owen calls their car rider number.
    We have a TTT member who helps direct our bus students in the right direction each morning. A couple of members can also be seen raising and lowering our flag each day. A group of TTT members also help with snack delivery each day too!
    We have an awesome group of Toro Task Team members this year!