- Delta Elementary
- Expectations
Expectations or School Faculty and Staff
Delta Elementary Families may expect the highest levels of commitment from our faculty and staff.
We will:
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student achievement standards. Specifically, the school will:
Provide instruction utilizing high-quality curriculum and strategies.
Follow State and local curriculum/pacing guides and hold collaborative planning meetings for educators.
Maintain high expectations for our students and show commitment to our profession through continuous growth and professional development.
Provide necessary equipment and textbooks at school as determined by BCBOE Digital Plan and Curriculum Department.
Provide guidelines and enforce acceptable use of technology equipment as stated in the Digital Acceptable Use Policy.
Provide students and parents/caregivers opportunities to receive Chromebook/Technology training as needed.
Hold parent/caregiver-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. We will adhere to the following:
Parent/Caregiver Conference – Teacher(s) and administrator are available for conferences upon request of the parent/caregiver via telephone, video, and/or face-to-face as determined appropriate and in compliance with local and state laws and mandates.
Family meetings will be held face-to-face and/or virtually and may continue as deemed appropriate to maintain the health and safety of all Stakeholders.
Minimum of 1 Parent/Caregiver-Teacher Conference per year for each child attending Delta Elementary School prior to the end of 1st semester.
Provide parents/caregivers with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, we will provide:
Daily/weekly parent/caregiver communication folders/agendas/Remind messages sent home.
Progress reports from STAR and other assessments utilized to determine academic growth.
Grading period Progress Reports sent home each mid-term and Report Cards sent home every 9 weeks.
Provide parents/caregivers reasonable access to staff. Parents/Caregivers may expect to:
Contact your child’s teacher(s) for available conference times for videoconferencing, telephone conferences, or face-to-face meetings when issues cannot be handled through other means before school (7:00 -7:15), after school (after 3:15), during enrichment/p.e. times, or agreed upon appointment times. Emails and phone calls should be returned within 72 hours unless an emergency arises.
Contact the principal if there are problems meeting with other staff members.
Reach the Principal by email (jmmiddleton@bcbe.org). Meet with the Principal by phone (251.937.3657), face-to-face, or virtually as scheduled during agreed upon times.
Provide parents/caregivers opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s activities.
Parents/caregivers are welcomed to volunteer and participate in school and classroom activities, making copies, reading centers, shelving library books, straightening shelves in the library, and beautifying the school grounds. Please coordinate with your child’s teacher or contact the office if you have a suggestion on how you can assist at our school. All Delta Advisory Meetings and important events will be announced via BlackBoard email announcements and/or posted on our webpage www.bcbe.org/delta.
Ensure regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand.
Communications, to the extent practicable, will be provided in a language family members can understand; through utilization of ESL Liaison, coordination of additional meeting times if necessary, translations for written communication, and ESL Teacher support.