
    Sick Day Exclusions

    As a parent, there are times when you are unsure whether your child should attend school and when to seek medical care. As a whole, school-aged children and youth are a healthy, robust group. A student can expect to get 2 to 9 colds per year. Excluding routine doctor appointments, infectious diseases account for 40% of all visits by children and youth to a doctor.

    This list serves as a guideline in managing students and is not inclusive. All students will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the school nurse. The decision to send your child home will be made on an individual basis based on the school nurse’s professional judgement. The goal is to keep our students safe and healthy.


    When to keep your child home: Symptom


    Child must be at home?


    Elevated temperature of 100.4 F or greater.

    YES- when accompanied by behavior changes or other symptoms of illness, i.e. rash, sore throat, stomach ache/vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, head ache, ear ache. The student should be fever free(oral temperature below 99 degrees F) without the use of fever-reducing medicines, for 3 days (72 hours) before returning to school


    Two of more episodes of vomiting in the past 24 hours.

    YES-until vomiting resolves (no further vomiting for 24 hours). Student should be observed for other signs of illness and for dehydration.


    Frequent, loose or watery stools compared to child’s normal pattern; not caused by diet or medication.

    YES-if the child looks or acts ill; if the child has diarrhea with temperature elevation of 100


    Pink/reddish color to white part of the eye and thick discharge may be yellow or greenish in color.

    YES- until discharge and signs of infection have cleared or completion of 24 hour treatment with ophthalmic solution prescribed by a health care provider.


    Blister like lesions which develop into pustules. May “weep” and crust.

    YES- for 24 hours after medical treatment initiated.

    Note: Lesions must be covered for school attendance.


    A common skin infection, usually resulting in red, itching, scaly circular rash.

    NO-Treatment initiated

    Note: Lesions must be covered for school attendance.

    Rash with Fever:

    Any new rash accompanied by a fever.

    Yes- seek medical advice. May return after rash goes away or clearance given by a health care provider.

    Open Wound:

    Any open wound, draining or pustule lesion on the skin.

    Yes- If any drainage from a sore that cannot be contained within a bandage or sores that are increasing in size or new sores need to be evaluated by a health care provider.


    Symptoms that prevent the student from active participation in usual school activities or student is requiring more care than school can safely provide.

    Yes-Recommendations from a health care provider are indicated.

     NOTE: This list serves as guidelines in managing students and is not inclusive. All students will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the school nurse. The decision to send home your child will be made on an individual basis based on the school nurse's professional judgement. The goal is to keep our students safe and healthy.

    Please consult your doctor promptly if there is any doubt about the condition of your child. Follow the directions from your child’s physician or school nurse before returning to school. Per BCBE policy, no child can attend class unless fever free for 72 hours without medications or a physician clearance. 


    Source: American Academy of Pediatrics November 2015 

    Revised 7/2020