• Welcome to Silverhill Elementary School!

    Our Beliefs:

    We believe…Our students are responsible, happy leaders.  

    1. All students are able to learn.
    2. Students learn best when actively involved.
    3. Students learn in a variety of ways.
    4. High expectations promote student learning.
    5. Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
    6. Students should be treated with respect and dignity.
    7. Students, school personnel, parents, and community share the responsibility for a safe, positive, comfortable, learning environment.
    8. Student learning is a continuous process.


    Our School Motto:

    A good place to learn!

    Our Mission Statement:

    Love. Learn. Lead. Together.


                We are very excited about the beginning of the new school year at Silverhill Elementary School. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all. Our school’s reputation and success is largely dependent upon parental and community involvement. I strongly encourage you to join us in creating a positive learning environment for our students. “Together, Everyone Achieves More!”

                All faculty and staff at Silverhill Elementary care about our kids. We participate in on-going job embedded best practices which assist in helping to make our students successful. This year we will implement strategies gleaned from AMSTI – Alabama Math, Science and Technology Initiative. We will also continue our path within the "Leader in Me" program. This process builds from Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Reading will continue to be a primary instructional point. Guided reading instruction will occur to provide differentiated teaching that will support students in reading proficiently. Chromebooks will be a technology tool in place to assist current instructional practices. Also, STEMScopes, a hands-on 21st century learning approach, will remain our science curriculum.

                Silverhill Elementary School is a Title I school. This means we receive federal funds based on the number of free and reduced lunches served. We place a strong focus on student achievement, intervention, enrichment and parental involvement. An intense emphasis is placed on reading, math, and writing to enhance our academic excellence. The Silverhill Elementary School Parent Compact we sign annually outlines how we will all share the responsibility for improved student academic development. We need your cooperation and understanding in helping to make this happen.

                The administration and faculty believe that a student is most successful in school when the parents and the teacher work together to encourage the child to work to the best of his/her ability, as evident by the school compact. Please work with us to make this a great year!

                Please remind your child of the following:

    • Listen to and obey your teachers, staff, and all other adults.
    • Cooperate with your teachers in creating a positive and serious learning environment.
    • Dress appropriate for school (approved uniform items).
    • Be considerate of others; treat others the way you like to be treated.
    • Come to school each day, unless you are sick.
    • Complete your classwork and homework to the best of your ABILITY.
    • Display appropriate use of Chromebooks and other technology tools.
    • Take responsibility for your actions; exercise self-control and self-discipline.
    • Take pride in our facility and help to take care of the school property.

    We trust that your experience with our school will be wonderful and that you find in this school a committed TEAM who works together to help your child become a happy, successful student in a safe environment.  Let’s work to make this the best year ever!

    Wendy Rodgers
