Our SRO at Rockwell is: SRO Killian to contact the SRO please call 626-5528.
From Officer Killian:
My name is Officer Killian. I am extremely excited and blessed to have been assigned to Rockewell Elementary School as the SRO. I would like to share a little about myself. I have been in Law Enforcement for 13 years. I began my career as a cadet with the Mobile Police Department. I went through the police academy at the age of 19. I spent several years in the Second Precinct. I left patrol to become a general investigator over property crimes. Later, I was transferred to the Intelligence Unit as a crime analyst. After 8 years with the Mobile Police Department, I left to work for the Mobile Community Correction Center as a Probation Officer. I spent 5 years at that agency supervising criminal offenders as well as the Alabama Department of Corrections inmates.
As one can tell I made a major shift, like night and day, to the Spanish Fort Police Department. One might ask why the change? Well, the truth and answer is that God placed it on my heart to work with the children. He aligned it all so perfectly for my smooth transition. I was able to help a small number of adults with their issues: such as finding employment, drug treatment, and a permanent residence. However, once a person has reached this stage in life the chances of change are reduced. Some thoughts came upon me, what if I could reach a child prior to the difficulties that comes with adulting? What if I can help guide children in making wise decisions? How can I help change the community for the greater good? Like lightning, it hit meand I knew SRO was the perfect job for me.
I intend to educate the children on the dangers of the world: such as drugs, abuse, strangers, etc. Children need to know how to react to certain situations. Not only am I here to protect your babies, I am here to love and guide them. I promise you; your babies are in great hands. I will give it my all to show them that Officers are their friends. I am looking forward to interacting with your angels. Please, feel free to reach out to me if you have any concerns or questions. Thank you and I wish the best.