Getting Started

  • First and foremost, welcome! We are so happy to have you with us this year. Please know that the BCVS teachers and staff are working diligently to make sure you have excellent courses ready to go as quickly as possible. Your education and well-being are crucial priorities for us.

    This message is lengthy but please read through it in its entirety. There are a number of detailed instructions below to help you get started with your classes, regardless if you are a new or returning student. Students who would like to attend will be required to meet the following criteria for BCVS.

    • Live in Baldwin County.
    • Acquire consistent Internet access.
    • Attend class daily in accordance with the Baldwin County school calendar by logging in to your Chromebook and Schoology.
    • Take all tests, exams, and mandated testing at a BCVS testing site unless otherwise directed.
    • Read and respond to emails, texts, or other communications from BCVS staff.
    • Have appropriate transportation to the testing site for any mandatory event.
    • Keep contact information updated.
    • Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and maintain this requirement while enrolled in BCVS.
    • Be on track for graduation if applying for 10th-12th and have a standardized test score showing at grade level if applying for 7th -9th grade.
    • Accumulate no more than 9 unexcused, full-day absences during the current school year.
    • Any discipline infractions resulting in suspension or expulsion will be reviewed and students can be disqualified for entry or dismissed from enrollment.

    Baldwin County Virtual School is rigorous and requires students to be self-paced and driven to get their work accomplished.  Successful virtual students are motivated, self-disciplined, and communicate effectively through digital means.  We use a strong academic curriculum developed and taught by Alabama state-certified teachers, offering flexibility for students to complete their Alabama High School Diploma requirements at their own pace on their own schedule. 

    Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year are currently closed.  We will open the link to apply on March 1st for the 2025-2026 school year.  


    To apply to attend the Baldwin County Virtual School please complete the application at this link: