- Baldwin County High School
- FTA: Future Teachers of Alabama
BCHS Clubs, Organizations, & Activities
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Future Teachers of Alabama
Who we are:
The BCHS Future Teachers of Alabama (FTA) is an organization for the promotion of students who may have an interest in becoming teachers. It is designed to provide the student with hands-on experience in the teaching profession and to help encourage those students from diverse backgrounds who may want to become teachers to get some experience in practicing with lesson plans and other important tasks performed by teachers.
When we meet:Meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of each month during 1st Lunch in Rm 304 (Mrs. Byrd’s room).
What we do:
We will be designing bulletin boards around the school, discussing educational issues and opportunities, providing a reception for BCHS teachers, offering teacher assistant opportunities with feeder pattern schools, taking a field trip to a local college or university, providing you with scholarship opportunities in the field of Education, connecting with other students in the county who want to go into Education and getting to know other BCHS students who also want to become teachers.
What it costs:
The annual dues for BCHS’s FTA Club are $20 which will include a club t-shirt. This amount should be brought with you to your first meeting or before. (If you cannot pay at meeting time, you have until the end of the school year to pay your dues. You may pay through School Bucks as well.
Make Checks Payable to BCHS.
Club Sponsors
- Mrs. Vickie Locke (English—Rm. 219)
- Mrs. Misty Byrd (History—Rm. 304)
- Mrs. Chantelle McPherson (Science—Rm. 401)
- Mrs. Diona Davis (English—Rm. 307)
- Fill out Application (Pick up from one of the club sponsors)
- 2.5 GPA or better (GPAs will be checked to determine eligibility.)