About Peer Helpers

  • Peer Helping is a variety of supportive services initiated by peers of elementary, middle, and high school students. Youth will empower and support one another. The Jennifer Clair Moore Foundation has developed and implemented Peer Helper Programs in Baldwin County, Alabama. The Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation supports the Summerdale School Peer Helpers by providing funding for peer helper activities, training for advisors and students, and continued support throughout the school year.

    Summerdale Peer Helper Program:

    • Promotes positive communication and interactions among the student body

    • Facilitates student leadership in bullying prevention and provides peer tutoring services

    • Provides school activities related to suicide prevention awareness, drug abuse prevention, and youth violence prevention 

    • Peer Helpers act as School Ambassadors in the community and promote a welcoming spirit of tolerance and commitment to the well being of their peers

    • Certified by the National Association of Peer Program Professionals

    • Funded by the Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation