• J. Larry Newton Elementary School is a Title 1 school. 
    J. Larry Newton Elementary School is located along the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in beautiful Baldwin County, just a few miles south of Fairhope, Alabama. The rural community is a tight-knit, family-oriented environment with high education standards.
    J. Larry Newton Elementary School serves approximately 850 students and is economically and demographically diverse. In 2013, our school met the requirements to receive Title I funding, and currently, approximately 55% of our population is eligible for free/reduced lunch. We appreciate Title 1 Funds, which allow us to provide additional resources and support staff for our students.

    Our demographics include 81% Caucasian, 5% African American, 15% of the Caucasian population are Hispanic, 13% Multi-Race, and less than 2% American Indian/Alaskan Native/Asian/Pacific Islander.
    School-parent compacts are sent home at the beginning of each school year.  The School-Parent Compact is posted on this website.  Teacher conferences are held at the request of parents or teachers.  Parents were also able to sign up for conferences at the beginning of the school year at our open house.  
    J. Larry Newton's Continuous Improvement Plan allows parents to volunteer to serve on a committee to discuss and improve our school. You may also submit any suggestions by email, which is posted on our website.  A copy of the 2024-2025 ACIP and School-Parent Compact can be found below.
    Academic goals for your child, as well as their report card and test scores, can all be discussed with the teacher by requesting a conference via email, phone message, or text.  Services at J. Larry Newton School are far-reaching and include intervention, counseling, speech therapy, RTI, and special education.
    We are very proud of our school staff, students, and families.