- Fairhope High School
- F.A.Q.
Fairhope High FAQ
Where can I find the Lunch Menu?
The lunch menu can be found at this link. The link is also included at the top of the Daily Announcements page.
How do I get the FHS Announcements?
Daily schoolwide announcements are posted to the front page of the FHS website under the "Daily Announcements" heading. They are usually updated by 9:00 a.m.
Students, parents, and community members can stay up-to-date on campus activites, events, and notices by checking the website daily, or they can receive the announcements via email by subscribing HERE.
How do students enroll in FHS?
CLICK HERE to open file with "Steps for Enrollment" for the 2022-23 School Year.
What fees are associated with Fairhope High School?
Fairhope High School has an operational fee that is due at the beginning of every school year. Class fees are applied to student accounts in late September. Most AP/IB and elective classes have class fees associated with them. All these fees are paid through Myschoolbucks. Many clubs and school organizations have fees associated with them as well. Club sponsors will be able to answer those questions on an individual basis.
How can I pay fees online?
All school fees are paid through myschoolbucks. This document explains the process. My School Bucks Information
Where can I find the FHS Alma Mater?