◊ When is the first day of school?
The first day of school is August 8th, 2024.
◊ Registration
How do I register my child?
Go to www.bcbe.org , Click on New Families tab and you will find a link to registration information.
What if I am not the legal guardian/ custodian for a child? What do I need to do?
To enroll a student in the Baldwin County School System you must have legal custody of the student. Delegations of parental authority or powers of attorney will not be accepted. The enrolling guardian/custodian shall reside in the attendance zone in which enrollment is sought. The student being enrolled must actually reside with his/her guardian/custodian. In addition to the matters noted in the preceding paragraph, it shall be the sole duty and responsibility of the enrolling guardian/custodian to provide all documentation otherwise required by the Baldwin County Board of Education as a prerequisite to enrollment. Please see the School Guardianship Guidelines for complete details.
What documents are needed to register a student?
- Bring a Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card (not required as per federal guidance)
- 2 proof of residence (1 must be utility bill)
- Withdrawal papers from the last school attended
- Alabama Certificate of Immunization
Are tours of the school offered?
We have student leaders, our WJC Ambassadors that will be glad to give a tour of our school. Please call and schedule a time to tour the school.
What is the address of the school?
1000 Main Street
Daphne, AL 36526
My child currently attends public school in Baldwin County, how do I transfer my child to a new school?
Go to current school and withdrawal your child, then bring the withdrawal packet to the new school along with proof of residence.
Are registration fees charged?
W.J. Carroll does not charge a registration fee.
◊ Attendance
What are the school hours? When is a child considered late for school?
School office hours - 7:00am-4:00pm
First drop off for students is 7:20am
First bell is 7:50am
Students are counted late at 8:00am
First dismissal bell for car riders and first bell bus riders is 2:55pm
Where can I find a school calendar?
◊ Car Line Procedures
For the safety and security of all and to eliminate the picture above, please follow our traffic pattern and procedures.
Traffic Pattern
- Enter on Thomas Avenue.
- Immediately turn left onto our campus.
- Begin forming two lines as you work your way to the back of the campus.
- Do not block Thomas Avenue by starting two lines prior to entering our campus.
- Then the lines will turn left towards the school building.
- Finally arriving in two lines along the canopy.
- We do not use numbers or call names. We expect students to look for their car.
- As students arrive to carline, they may load their vehicle.
- Lead teacher will blow the whistle twice. This signals that cars are about to start moving. At this time all students should be on the benches waiting for the next wave to load.
- When the first wave exits and traffic is stopped, the lead teacher will blow the whistle once. This is the signal for students to load again. The first 8-10 cars located in front of the canopy load. Do not allow any others to load.
- This procedure is repeated until carline is empty.
- In the event a student is not in carline when their vehicle needs to be loaded, parents will be directed to drive to a designated site to wait for their child. The lead teacher will escort the child to the car once the next wave begins to load.
- Teachers on duty should not engage in a conversation with parents in carline for safety reasons and to keep traffic flowing.
◊ How to enter our school
All doors are locked. When you come to the front door you will see this sign:
Welcome to W.J. Carroll
Please do the following:
- ID in Hand
- Push Button
- Show us Your Smiling Face
- Hold ID Close to Camera
- State Purpose
Thank you for working
with us to ensure
everyone’s safety!
This is the button and camera.
Please understand there is a delay after you press the button before we can answer you.
◊ Child Nutrition
Do you serve breakfast?
Free for students
$3.05 Adult/Children Visitors
Price of school lunch?
Free for students
$4.65 Adult/Children Visitors
How do I pay for school lunches?
Our cafeteria accepts cash, check or you may use Myschoolbucks to put funds in your child's lunch account for à la carte items not covered in the free meal allotment.
Are school snacks offered for purchase?
What is the cost of school snacks?
Costs vary, but they average $1.00
How can I find the school menu?
◊ After-school care