- Elberta Elementary
- New Student Registration
Elberta Elementary School
New Student Registration
Hello, New Elberta Elementary School Students!
COVID-19 has impacted many areas in education. One of which is the new student registration process.
Follow these steps to register online:
1. Go to www.bcbe.org/registration
2. Select 2024-2025 New Student Registration
Please scan or take a clear picture of the following:
1. Proof of birth (birth certificate, passport)
2. Social Security number
3. Parent/guardian identification
4. 2 Proofs of Residency (acceptable documents provided below)
a. Lease/mortgage agreement
b. Lease/mortgage insurance statement
c. Utility bill (water, gas, cable or satellite, sewage/waste)
d. Auto insurance declaration page
e. Current Social Security or Government assistance statement
5. Alabama Immunization Card
(transferring from out of state, contact the health department below to have immunization changed over to State of Alabama)
Robertsdale Health Department
23280 Gilbert Drive
Robertsdale, AL. 36567
6. Legal Custodial Documents (if applicable)
7. Withdrawal paperwork from previous school (current grades and class schedule)
**Please let Mrs. Eubanks know if your family has military affiliations. She can offer additional support during your transition.**
Send documents to:
Tammy Eubanks, Registrar
Email: teubanks@bcbe.org
Phone: (251) 986-5888