■ Upon arriving in the morning, students report directly to designated areas and remain there until dismissed by the teacher. Running, playing, or talking loudly are not permitted.
■ Students should not arrive on campus before 7:15 a.m., as supervision is not available before that hour. For the safety of our students, they should be dropped off only in the designated unloading zone; teachers are on duty to ensure that your child arrives safely to class. School personnel will be available throughout the school to assist children to ensure they arrive at the appropriate destinations.
■ When school is dismissed, bus riders are to report to their appropriate buses. Walkers leave campus promptly, taking a safe route. After-school Care students meet in the cafeteria. Car riders are to report to car line and wait quietly, following safe loading procedures. All car riders will be loaded from the car line; students must wait for a teacher to assist loading the car. No eating is permitted at this time.
■ Because seating is limited, students may not ride a different bus to go home with a friend; parents must make other arrangements before coming to school. On rare occasions, an emergency may warrant a bus change. In this case, a note must be sent to the administrator at the beginning of the school day explaining the emergency and including a phone number where the parent can be reached during the day. This note, signed by the administrator, must be given to the bus driver. This same procedure holds for students getting off at a different stop than normal.
■ Remember that the buses are like classrooms and the drivers are the teachers. Proper conduct on Baldwin County Public School buses is required and behavior must not endanger the safety and welfare of others. A student who misbehaves or is uncooperative while riding the bus may be suspended from the bus. Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if students do not behave appropriately.
■ All transportation changes must be in writing and be approved by the office.-Many phone calls this year to accept changes.