General Procedures

  • Field Trips

    Field trips are an extension of classroom learning. Advance notification will be given with the date of the trip, cost of the trip, and the deadline for payment. Generally, the deadline will be several weeks before the actual trip.

    • Field trips should be paid using A permission slip signed by the parent/guardian is required for all field trips.
    • Once bus arrangements and reservations have been made, refunds cannot be given.
    • Siblings may not accompany chaperones on field trips. No child may participate in a field trip that is not a Loxley Elementary student. This includes babies, younger siblings, or children from other schools.
    • While we want adults involved to enjoy field trips, the primary purpose for accompanying a class is to serve as chaperones and assist teachers with responsibilities connected to the trip. Parents are not included for the purpose of accompanying children as additional participants on trips. The state of
    • Alabama requires a minimum adult/child ratio with each participating adult expected to provide supervision of children. 
    • If you would like to chaperone, a background check must be completed prior to the trip. The fee is up to $20.



    Students who become ill at school will be sent to the office. Early dismissal will be given, providing the parents or legal/guardian can be contacted and can arrange for the student to be picked up at school. If a student has a temperature, the parent must take the student home. Students must be fever-free before returning to school. We are not allowed to give non-prescription medication to students. Health records are maintained on each child. If your child has a medical problem, please be certain we know about it, especially in cases of epilepsy, diabetes, heart condition, asthma, or other serious condition. Keep a child home from school and seek medical advice or care if there is:

    • Temperature elevated to 100.4 or greater
    • Vomiting two or more times in the previous 24 hours
    • Diarrhea or stools that are frequent, loose or watery, compared to child’s normal pattern
    • Blister-like lesions, especially if they develop into pustules. May “weep” and crust.
    • Skin rash that is new and accompanied by a fever
    • Pink/reddish color to white part of the eye and thick discharge may be yellow or greenish in color
    • Ringworm-A common skin infection, usually resulting in red, itching, scaly circular rash
    • Any open wound, draining or pustular lesion on the skin
    • Symptoms that prevent the student from active participation in usual school activities or student is requiring more care than school can safely provide

    If your child is sent to the nurse, his or her complaints and symptoms will be evaluated. The nurse will take into consideration his or her ability to learn, classroom disruption and/or concern for the spread of illness. You may be called to pick-up your child even if symptoms differ from those described above.


    If it is necessary for your child to take prescription medication during the school day, the parent must bring the medication to the office and complete necessary documentation. The signature of the prescribing physician is required on this paperwork. The medication must be in the container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy. Non-prescription drugs will require written permission, the time for medication, dosage, and be in a new, unopened bottle. Every effort should be given to avoid sending medication to school. All morning dosages should be given at home before the student reports to school.
    Lost and Found The school maintains a lost and found. Please check this whenever your child is missing an item. Unclaimed items are donated to charity after an extended period.


    Library Media Center

    Students are encouraged to read, do research, and use other materials available in the media center. Students usually check out no more than two books at a time; exceptions can be made. Books are due back to the media center two weeks from the time they are checked out. If a student loses a book, s/he must pay the replacement cost of the book.



    Our school lunchroom operates under the National School Lunch Program and serves well-balanced, delicious meals.

    • Menus will be distributed monthly.
    • Breakfast will not be served after 7:40 unless a school bus has been delayed.
    • All Baldwin County students will be provided free breakfast and lunch this school year. Students will still have to put their PIN numbers in daily. Students may purchase additional a la carte items. See below: Prices for adults are below:

    Lunch Prices:           BCBE Employee and Visitors  $4.65      

    Breakfast Prices:     BCBE Employee and Visitors  $3.05   


    Parent Volunteers 

    Parents are invited and encouraged to participate in our Parent Volunteer Program. Parents assist our school in many ways such as preparing instructional materials, aiding in the office and cafeteria, tutoring, and helping teachers and students in classrooms. Interested volunteers should contact the school office at 964-5334.

    Parent/Teacher Conferences

    Good parent/teacher communication is an essential ingredient to student achievement. Parent-teacher conferences can be beneficial to the student. Teachers and parents see the student from different perspectives and working together, they can form a strong partnership to promote the student's success. Parents are strongly encouraged to meet with the teacher to discuss questions and concerns, prior to contacting an administrator. The principal and assistant principal are available to all parents and are willing to meet with them. Please call the school office at 964-5334 or email your child’s teacher to set up conferences.

    Class Parties 

    Parties will be held throughout the school year. Non-school aged children should not attend school parties as these are intended to be a special time for the classroom children. While we understand that it can be difficult to make baby sitting arrangements for preschool aged children, Loxley Elementary School strives to make the students in the classroom the main priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this request. Birthday party invitation distribution must include all students in the class. Birthday treats may be sent to school. These treats may not be home baked.

    Promotion and Retention

    The decision to promote a student is based on a student's academic performance during the school year. The decision is a professional one and is the joint responsibility/decision of the teacher and principal, with input from other adults who play a significant role in the academic/social development of the child. Parent/Teacher conferences are highly recommended for students with academic deficiencies. Students must meet criteria established for each grade level to be considered for promotion. Parents are encouraged to keep track of their child’s progress through weekly grade reports, mid-quarter reports, and quarterly report cards.

    Report Cards

    Baldwin County Public Schools operates on a nine-week reporting period. Parents are encouraged to carefully study the report card and to schedule conferences with teachers to discuss the student’s progress. Student grades are always available through the parent portal in Powerschool, where grades are updated weekly.

    Grading Codes for 1st-6th Grades:
    A = 90-100%      B = 80-89%      C = 70-79%       D = 60-69%)     F= Below 60%     I = Incomplete

    Grading Codes for Kindergarten/Art/Music/PE/Library/Conduct:
    G(Good)=85-100       S(Satisfactory)=70-84    N(Needs Improvement)=69-60          U=Failing

    Returned Check Policy

    Baldwin County Public Schools has an agreement with Envision for the collection of all returned checks issued to all locations. The following information is required on all checks: Full name, street address (no PO Box), and home and work phone numbers. If your check is returned, our bank will automatically forward it to Envision. The school office has no control over your check once it has been deposited into its account. Envision will contact you in order to collect the face amount of the worthless check plus a collection fee. The amount of the collection fee is currently $30.00. This fee is subject to change as allowed by law. If you do not properly respond to Envision, or if Envision is unable to contact you, Envision will represent your check to the bank electronically. Fees could also be deducted from the same account.

    School Safety

    School officials work diligently to provide a safe school environment. Students will be instructed on proper procedures for evacuations and other necessary steps to ensure safety. Fire, severe weather, and lockdown drills are conducted at regular intervals.

    • Fire Evacuation Drill: In case of a fire emergency, the signal to evacuate the building will sound. There is an evacuation plan posted in each classroom, and each teacher will instruct students regarding specific procedures.
    • Lockdown Drill: Students and adults are secured and hidden from outside dangers. Plans are included in the emergency manual.
    • Severe Weather Drill: In case of a severe weather emergency, the emergency alarm signal will sound. Students will proceed immediately to the area designated on the posted evacuation plan in the classrooms. Students will kneel with their heads against the wall. Jackets may be used to cover heads, arms, and legs. Students will remain quiet until notified that the emergency has passed.


    Telephone Messages and Deliveries

    Messages will be delivered to students only in case of emergencies. Plans for after school transportation should be made before coming to school in the morning. Delivery of flowers, balloons, etc., to students during school hours is disruptive and will not be permitted.

    Parents Right to Know

    In accordance with Title I of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents through the Right-To- Know provision, may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s) or the qualifications of paraprofessionals providing services to their child. Additionally, parents may request information about their child’s level of achievement on any state academic assessments.

    Parent Notification that Loxley Elementary School is a Title I School-wide Program

    Title I is a federal program designed to help students in our nation’s schools. In accordance with Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 and Title I, the goal is to help all children be successful at school. Schools in communities that meet requirements use Title I funds to benefit the entire school. This type of program is known as a school-wide program. Title I schoolwide programs use Title funds, along with other local, state, and federal funding to serve all students in the school. Individual students are not identified as participating in the Title I program.

    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

    The Baldwin County Board of Education adheres to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 regarding students’ records. A copy of the policy is available in the school office.