- Loxley Elementary
- Handbook: Attendance
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- Handbook: Attendance
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- Handbook: General Procedures
- Handbook: Carline Rules and Traffic Flow
If a student is absent, a note must be brought from home with a valid explanation of the absence. (Please refer to the Baldwin County School System Truancy Policy for a more detailed explanation of the absentee policies.) No absences will be excused without adequate written explanations.
An absence may be excused for illness, legal quarantine, death in the immediate family, inclement weather that is dangerous to life or health, or emergency conditions determined by the principal or superintendent. If your child misses school due to a doctor’s appointment, please obtain a doctor’s excuse to be submitted to the classroom teacher.
A written excuse must be sent within three days after an absence.
If you know in advance that your child will be absent for a reason other than those stated above, work with the teacher on an assignment that will be missed. For these absences to be coded as Excused, PRIOR approval must be given in writing by the principal, and only three (3) such absences will be excused in a school year. Missed work will be given to your child upon his/her return; it cannot be prepared ahead of the absence.
Makeup work should be turned in no later than three (3) days following the absence.
Students with unexcused or excessive absences or tardies will be reported to the Central Office and will progress through the stages of the Early Warning Truancy Program. Be familiar with these policies provided to you upon registration. Excessive unexcused absences may result in a student repeating that grade.
School hours are from 7:50 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. Students are considered tardy at 7:50 a.m. and should be in the classroom at that time. Students are required to come to the office for a late pass if they are tardy.
Students may be picked up or checked out only by those individuals listed on the registration form at the time of registration. If additions or deletions need to be made to the list, the custodial parent(s) must make those changes in person in the school office. For your child’s safety and security, no exceptions will be made to this policy.
A photo ID is required when checking a student out of school.
Early dismissals should be requested only in an emergency or illness. Early dismissals disrupt the instructional program for all students. Students checked out before 11:30 a.m. must be marked absent. Students are not allowed to walk home before the end of the school day.