- Robertsdale High School
- Overview
The Advanced Placement Program® (AP) enables academically prepared students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school.
The program consists of college-level courses developed by the AP Program and taught by teachers at Robertsdale High School. Corresponding exams are administered once a year in May at the culmination of each course. The exams are scored on a scale of 1-5. A score of 3 or higher on an exam is considered a "passing" score and may earn students credit, placement, or both at colleges and unversities.
Advanced Placement Coordinator - Ms. Roma Kerby, rkerby@bcbe.org
Advanced Placement Courses Offered at RHS
Biology - Instructor Ms. Lacey Bussie, lbussie@bcbe.org
Calculus AB - Instructor Ms. Misty Gonzalez, mgonzalez@bcbe.org
Computer Science Principles - Instructor Mr. Wallace Crawford, wecrawford@bcbe.org
English Language and Composition - Instructor Ms. Lauren Latham, llatham@bcbe.org
English Literature and Composition - Instructor Ms. Carol Turner, crturner@bcbe.org
Environmental Science - Instructor Mr. James Fortune, jafortune@bcbe.org
Government (United States) - Instructor Dr. Justin Weindorf, jmweindorf@bcbe.org
Human Geography - Instructor Mr. Corey Stockman, cstockman@bcbe.org
Physics I - Instructor Mr. Peter Bezeredi, pbezeredi@bcbe.org
Psychology - Instructor Mr. Corey Stockman, cstockman@bcbe.org
Statistics - Instructor Ms. Misty Gonzalez, mgonzalez@bcbe.org
U.S. History - Instructor Dr. Weindorf, jmweindorf@bcbe.org