Academic Plan for Daphne East Elementary School

  • Implementation of the District Academic Plan at Daphne East Elementary School: At Daphne East Elementary School, our students’ academic development is a priority. We carefully align our school-wide improvement plan to the district’s academic plan. Our academic goals for students and our strategies to achieve them are provided below.


    Goal: Through the planning and implementation of Balanced Literacy instruction, Daphne East Elementary School will increase reading achievement levels for each student.


    • Utilize formative assessment measures (i.e., Scantron Performance Series, Next Step Guided Reading Assessment, and Common Grade Level Assessments) to guide instructional decisions and track student progress.
    • Provide teachers with professional development and program implementation feedback to improve their effectiveness with Balanced Literacy instruction.
    • Facilitate implementation of Balanced Literacy instruction components through the use of research-based strategies and Scholastic’s curricular resources.
    • Provide Response to Instruction (RTI) supports for at-risk students based on data and recommendations of the school-based Problem-Solving Team (PST).


    Goal: Through the planning and implementation of standards-based math instruction, Daphne East Elementary School will increase math achievement levels for each student.


    • Utilize formative assessment measures (i.e., Scantron Performance Series and Common Grade Level Assessments) to guide instructional decisions and track student progress.
    • Provide teachers with professional development and program implementation feedback to improve their effectiveness with math instruction.
    • Facilitate implementation of research-based strategies and curricular resources as outlined in the district-level pacing guides and recommended resources.
    • Provide Response to Instruction (RTI) support for at-risk students based on data and recommendations of the school-based Problem-Solving Team (PST).

    Students with Disabilities

    Goal: Through collaboration and data-informed instruction, Daphne East Elementary School will increase reading achievement levels for each student and decrease the reading achievement gap between students with disabilities and their peers.


    Provide special education teachers with professional development and program implementation feedback to improve their effectiveness with Guided Reading instruction.
    Special education teachers will engage in purposeful planning with collaborative general education teachers.
    General education teachers will provide Guided Reading instruction for special education students in an inclusive setting according to Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and when appropriate.

    School Culture/Environment

    Goal: By empowering students to become leaders of their own learning, Daphne East Elementary School will improve students’ positive perceptions of themselves.


    • Guide students to review their personal achievement data and set academic and personal goals for improvement through the use of Leadership Notebooks.
    • Guide students to hold themselves accountable for their learning and to self-reflect on their progress and quality of work on a regular basis.
    • Facilitate school-based activities (i.e., service groups, collaborative learning, and clubs) to help students engage in leadership roles and collaborate with peers.