• attendance

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    Every child between the ages of 7 and 16 years of age is required by law to attend school.  The Baldwin County Board of Education believes that students should be in attendance and on time for school.  


    Excused Absences: A written note from parents or guardians will excuse absences for up to but not exceeding nine (9) absences in grades K-8. The student has three (3) days to turn in an excuse to the teacher.  Future absences for illness will require a doctor’s note in order to be excused. The following absences shall be considered excused absences, provided that in each instance parental confirmation of the reason for the absence has been received: student illness;  illness or death in the immediate family; inclement weather which would be dangerous to the life or health of the pupil if he/she attended school; legal quarantine or emergency condition as determined by the superintendent or principal; permission of the principal and consent of parent (i.e., absence to observe traditional religious holiday); Parents are required to explain in writing all absences. An excused absence permits work to be made up.


    Unexcused Absences:

    A student may not exceed nine (9) unexcused absences per class per academic year.  If a student misses more than half of a school day, a full absence will be accumulated.  A student and a student’s parent or guardian shall be given written notice when a student’s unexcused absences exceed two (2) days.  The student can be retained if unexcused absences exceed nine (9) unexcused absences per year. If the maximum number of unexcused absences is exceeded, the student and parent/guardian may petition the Attendance Committee for review of the reasons for the absences.  Petition for review by the Attendance Committee at the school can be filled-out at any time after notification, but in any event, no later than 20 calendar days before the final day of the academic year. The Attendance Committee shall review the student’s entire attendance record and documented excuses to determine whether to allow the student to pass.


    Tardies: Students arriving after 7:55 a.m. must check in through the office and receive a late pass.  Tardy students must be accompanied to the office by a parent/guardian for check-in. 


    Early Dismissal: Students who leave school for any reason must check out through the school office.  Parents must send a written note of permission for any student to leave school for any reason except when sudden illness, accident or similar incident occurs.  If a student checks out of school before 11:30 a.m. he/she will be considered absent for the day. Any exceptions must be made through the school administration.


    If a student checks in after 11:30 a.m. he/she will be considered absent for the day. 


    Photo ID is required for individuals checking out a student. Without written parental consent and verification, a child will not be released to anyone whose name is not on the student’s enrollment card.




    Students participate in vital learning activities until the end of the school day. Early checkouts can disrupt the learning process for students, especially if they become excessive. When possible, please schedule appointments outside of school hours. 


    If an early checkout is unavoidable for a student, he or she must be checked out BEFORE 2:15 pm. Checkouts after 2:15 pm will only be permitted in cases of extreme emergency and at the discretion of the principal or his or her designee.