• BB Games


    • We want our home and visiting teams/spectators to have an enjoyable experience.  Follow these guidelines:
    • Students (7th Grade + Up):
      • After-school events are extensions of the school program and student behavior should be in accordance with all school and county policies.
      • It is recommended that parents accompany students who come to the school campus for athletic events.
      • Students who attend these events must leave campus and come back at the appropriate time.
      • Parents need to make sure to pick up their children (7th +) no later than the designated time.
        • If not picked up within 15 minutes of conclusion of the event, they will forfeit their right to attend future school-sponsored events.
    • Students and Children (6th Grade + Younger):
      • Students 6th grade and younger must be accompanied by their guardian.
      • Children must stay with their parents.  
      • Students and children of any age are not allowed under the bleachers.
    • Other Notes for Students and Children:
      • Once you pay, you have to stay in the gym until your ride is here or you go home. NO going in and out of the building.
      • Sit on the bleachers:  NOT on the floor or on the bleacher steps
      • Stay off the court.
      • You are at the game to cheer for your team!  Show school spirit and good sportsmanship.
      • Remember:
        • Use manners toward the home and visiting spectators.  
        • Throw away your trash.
        • Refrain from continuously entering and leaving the bleacher area.
      • Do not bring basketballs, nerf balls or any sports equipment.  You are a spectator.
      • Call your ride 10-15 minutes before the end of the game (Usually the start of the 4th quarter of the last game).
    • The privilege of attending games depends on a student's behavior.  Be good, cheer well, and support our TEAM!