- Fairhope Middle School
- Frequently Asked Questions
How has Fairhope Middle School done on state tests?
Posted by:Fairhope Middle School received an "A" on the recent state report card. This score includes an evaluation of state testing results.
What documents do I need to enroll my child at FMS?
Posted by:Please bring the following documents with you for each child who you wish to enroll:
Birth certificate
Social Security card [Social Security Card is not required, as per Federal guidance]
Two proofs of residence
One of these must be a recent utility bill with your Baldwin County address.
Withdrawal papers from last school attended, including transcript
Immunization form
All students are required by Alabama State Law to have an original certificate of immunization (IMM-50); copies are unacceptable. These certificates may be obtained from your local physician or Baldwin County Health Department in Robertsdale. The Health Department may be reached at 251-947-1910. -
When are the drop off and pick-up times?
Posted by:Drop off is at 7:20 am. Please click here for rules about drop off and click here for car line procedures which begin at pick-up at 3:05 pm.
How many students are enrolled?
Posted by:FMS enrollment averages 800+ (7th and 8th grade students).
How much does homework count towards a grade?
Posted by:Homework counts from 10%-20% of a student’s grade. Math teachers often have students begin a classroom assignment at 20% and then the homework assignment counts an additional 20%. Therefore, a daily work assignment that begins in class and is completed at home can count up to 40%.
What is the make-up policy after a student is absent?
Posted by:Students must make-up their work within 3 days upon return from an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to get with his/her teachers to determine what work needs to be made-up. Tests may be made-up during extended homeroom, P.E., or another time as designated by the teacher. If your child is absent, he/she is still responsible for all missed work, so your assistance in reminding your student of the 3- day make-up requirement is appreciated.
Is there any homework help available to students?
Posted by:Yes, the School Counselors coordinate the Pirate Peer Tutoring program. Students help other students with their homework twice weekly during homeroom in the cafeteria. Students have to complete applications to be a tutor or tutee. Please check with Mrs. Gambino and Mrs. Doyle if you are interested in this program. Some teachers are available at break times to help students with homework questions. Also, please click on the academic resources page for online resources.
What time does school start and end?
Posted by:The school day begins at 7:45 am. and ends at 3:05 pm.
When does FMS take STAR progress monitoring assessments?
Posted by:STAR testing occurs in the fall, winter, and spring in the students' English and Math classes.
When is state testing?
Posted by:Students will take the state assessment in March/April of each school year. The dates are posted on the school calendar. The state assessment is the ACAP Summative.
How do I contact a school counselor?
Posted by:Fairhope Middle School's 7th grade and 8th grade School Counselors can be reached by phone at 251-928-2573. Please check the Teacher Directory for their email addresses. Please click here for the Counselor's Corner page which has contact information as well as information about the counseling office.
How does FMS handle bullying?
Posted by:FMS is committed to bullying prevention. For information about our bullying prevention programs/efforts as well as how to report bullying via written and/or online reporting, please click here.
Does FMS offer any classes for gifted students?
Posted by:FMS offers gifted 7th and 8th grade Gifted Social Studies classes for those students who have been identified as gifted.
Click Here for the Gifted Education page: https://www.bcbe.org/domain/7969
Does FMS offer advanced classes?
Posted by:FMS currently offers the following advanced classes: 7th and 8th grade Accelerated Math, 7th and 8th grade Advanced English Language Arts, and 7th and 8th grade Advanced Science.
Please click here for the Curriculum Updates page which has information regarding advanced classes at FMS including criteria for identification of students and required parent letters.
How do I schedule a parent conference?
Posted by:Parents are asked to contact the teacher(s) directly either by the school phone number, 251-928-2573, and leave a message or by email to schedule a parent conference. The quickest way to communicate with teachers is by email since they are teaching classes throughout the day.
How do I know when things are happening at FMS? Where is the calendar?
Posted by:The 8th grade Assistant Principal, Mrs. Johnston, emails a weekly newsletter to parents. The school website calendar has all students events including dates for state testing. Please click the link below for the school website calendar.
What sports are offered and when are try-outs?
Posted by:Please click here for the FMS Sports page. Specific try out dates are announced during the morning announcements, posted on the school website homepage calendar and/or sent home in the weekly parent newsletter emailed by Mrs. Johnston, the 8th grade Assistant Principal.
What identification is required to enter the school building?
Posted by:Parents must show a picture id such as a driver's license at the entry camera on the left side of the entry door. Parents need to push the camera button and verbally state the reason for entry. Office staff will then buzz/unlock the doors for entry. These are safety procedures for all Baldwin County schools.
When Is the school office open?
Posted by:The school office is open Monday-Friday from 7:00 am-4:00 pm. During the summer, office hours are Monday-Thursday from 7:00 am-4:00 pm.
Due to the overwhelming number of items being dropped off for students at the school office, office staff can no longer accept items for students. This will prevent disruption of the instructional time while encouraging students to be responsible.
What is the grading scale at Fairhope Middle School?
Posted by:A (90-100)
B (80-89)
C (70-79)
D (60-69)
F (59 and Below)
How long are classes?
Posted by:There are 6 periods every day which are 58 minutes each. English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, and an Enrichment class are included. Students are required to dress out in the P.E. uniform which is included in the fee structure.
Are there any breaks in the school day?
Posted by:Break is 12 minutes. 7th grade students have break from 9:21-9:33 am. 8th grade students have break from 10:22- 10:34 am.
How long Is lunch?
Posted by:Lunch is 27 minutes. 7th grade students eat lunch from 11:35-12:02 pm. 8th grade students eat lunch from 12:36-1:03 pm.
What about school dances?
Posted by:FMS has several school dances each year. Dances are currently sponsored by SGA.
What about field trips?
Posted by:There are a variety of field trips throughout the year for both 7th and 8th grades including bowling and skating field trips. There may also be grade level field trips. Clubs and band classes may also go on field trips which may include trainings, performances at various events, or banquets.
What kind of student recognition programs does FMS have?
Posted by:FMS Recognizes Students With:
Outstanding Students of the Month/Semester in which students are nominated by the faculty and staff
"A" Honor Roll posted on school website
Red Ribbon Week Student Leader and Committee
National Junior Honor Society Induction
Various Club Participation Recognitions
What about Chromebooks?
Posted by:FMS students are issued Chromebooks as learning tools at no charge to the students. Textbooks are digital and are located in the online program, Google Classroom. Assignments are also posted in Google Classroom. If a student does not have internet access at home, assignments may be downloaded on the Chromebook for home usage. Check out the Chromebook Information page.
Does FMS have an active PTC?
Posted by:FMS has an incredible PTC! Please click here for the PTC page.
How will I know about my student's grades?
Posted by:FMS like all Baldwin County schools offers online grade reports via the PowerSchool program. Parents are issued user name and password information upon enrollment of their students. A direct link to PowerSchool is located on the homepage of the school website. By checking PowerSchool on a regular basis, both parents and students can stay updated on grades and progress. Mid-Quarter progress reports are sent home with students and Quarterly Progress Reports are mailed home.
When do 8th graders register for high school?
Posted by:The 8th grade School Counselor posts a letter to parents on the homepage and Counselor's Corner page about the high school registration process. The letter includes dates when the FHS 9th grade Counselor will visit the 8th grade Social Studies classes to present information about offered classes as well as the date of the parent meeting. The letter is usually posted in late January and the parent meeting usually occurs in early March.
What Is required for students to be promoted?
Posted by:Students must pass for the year with a minimum 60 average in each of the 4 core subjects only: Math, Science, English, and Social Studies to be promoted to the next grade level. The annual average is the average of first and second semesters combined in each core subject. Information about summer school eligibility, costs, and location are mailed with the 4th Quarter report cards for those students who are recommended for summer school.