- Fairhope Middle School
- FMS Dress Code
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Dear FMS Guardians/Parents: Please review the attached BCBE Dress Code and Compliance with your child. Keep this code in mind when choosing and making purchases of school clothing for the upcoming school year.
- Students will be calling home for a change of clothes if not in compliance with dress code.
- Students will wait in OCS room until a change of clothing is brought.
- We will not be going to the clothes closet.
- Review ALL of the code.
- Areas of concern from previous year:
- Fit: Tops and bottoms (Too tight? Showing cleavage?)
- Length: Fingertip or mid-thigh--whichever is longer.
- Shirt over leggings (must cover the bottom)
- Problem: Shirt is longer than length of shorts. If it looks as if the student is not wearing anything under the shirt, it will be addressed.
- Females wearing dark bra under a very light-colored shirt. Do not wear to school. We should not see any undergarments.
- Pants sagging too low. Again, we should not see any undergarments or shorts worn under sagging pants.
- FMS will follow the compliance policy.
- Parents: If possible, CHECK your student's clothing before they leave home to come to school.
We look forward to seeing you all at registration. Please check the FMS website for further information.
FMS Administration
Secondary School (Middle/High) dress code can be found in the BCBE Parent and Student Handbook attached below:
Link to Parent and Student Handbook