- Belforest Elementary School
- Belforest Parent-Student Handbook Welcome
About Our School
Page Navigation
- About Our School
- Belforest Parent-Student Handbook Welcome
- Handbook: Introduction- Start Here!
- Handbook: Mission and Theme
- Handbook: School Schedule
- Handbook: Attendance
- Handbook: Visitors
- Handbook: Enrollment/Withdrawing
- Handbook: Car Rider/Bus Procedures
- Handbook: BookBags/BackPacks
- Handbook: Promotion Standards
- Handbook: Parent Communication with School Staff
- Handbook: Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Handbook: Emergency Procedures (Fire and Severe Weather)
- Payment for all School Related Items-MySchoolBucks
- Handbook: Breakfast/Lunch
- Handbook: Fast Food Restrictions
- Handbook: Parents Attending Lunch With Their Child
- Handbook: Snack
- Handbook: Ice Cream Purchases
- Handbook: Student Birthdays and Celebrations
- Handbook: Class Parties and Special Snacks
- Handbook: Student Phone Usage in Office
- Handbook: Student Smartphones/SmartWatches
- Handbook: Student Deliveries
- Handbook: Field Trips
- Handbook: Lost and Found
- Handbook: Dress Code
- Handbook: School Nurse
- Handbook: First Aid
- Handbook: Medications
- Handbook: Student Discipline
- Handbook: Returned Checks
- Handbook: The Leader in Me
- Handbook: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Handbook: School-Parent Compact

Welcome to Belforest Elementary School!
Welcome to your new school family. We are thankful you have chosen to entrust your child’s most critical developmental years to us.
As a dad and a principal, I understand the critical components of safety and happiness. These two environmental building blocks allow for
children to learn, share what they have learned, and learn from others. At Belforest Elementary School we understand that “one size does
not fit all,” and we differentiate instruction to promote impactful childhood learning experiences.Our school is unique as one of the newest schools in Baldwin County. The student population is diverse, as many families are moving to
this area, which allows children and adults to learn and respect the perspectives of others. We have developed an excellent, dedicated faculty
of professional support staff, teachers, and educators. As a staff we have embraced continuous professional growth. This is evident in the
exciting new teaching strategies we incorporate into daily instructional practice, and the new instructional tools we use to deliver a
continuously evolving curriculum.All adults and students practice a character process called “The Leader in Me.” This process is based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People. The Habits are the foundation by which we make decisions in our adult lives, and they are the principles we teach
children to develop their character. The Habits include: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win,
Seek First to Understand then be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw and a new eighth habit called Find Your Voice. Teaching these
habits provides our school community a common language when helping children navigate through understanding themselves and the world
around them. You will see, feel, and hear “The Leader in Me” culture throughout our school.You are beginning a wonderful journey into defining what this means for your child and family. I invite you to “build history” with your
new family by “liking” our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/belforestelementary. We are proud to share this page with you, and we
know it will help you develop a thorough understanding about the wonderful learning journey that awaits your family. We can also be found
at www.bcbe.org/belforest. My mission statement is SERVE. INSPIRE. SHEPHERD. GROW. I am at your service. I can be reached
directly at jellis@bcbe.org.Jonathan D. Ellis, Principal
Sarah Sadlis, Assistant Principal
Melissa Spriggs, Assistant Principal
www.facebook.com/belforestelementary Establishing an Intentional Culture of Empowerment Built on High Trust Relationships