- Belforest Elementary School
- Handbook: Medications
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- About Our School
- Belforest Parent-Student Handbook Welcome
- Handbook: Introduction- Start Here!
- Handbook: Mission and Theme
- Handbook: School Schedule
- Handbook: Attendance
- Handbook: Visitors
- Handbook: Enrollment/Withdrawing
- Handbook: Car Rider/Bus Procedures
- Handbook: BookBags/BackPacks
- Handbook: Promotion Standards
- Handbook: Parent Communication with School Staff
- Handbook: Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Handbook: Emergency Procedures (Fire and Severe Weather)
- Payment for all School Related Items-MySchoolBucks
- Handbook: Breakfast/Lunch
- Handbook: Fast Food Restrictions
- Handbook: Parents Attending Lunch With Their Child
- Handbook: Snack
- Handbook: Ice Cream Purchases
- Handbook: Student Birthdays and Celebrations
- Handbook: Class Parties and Special Snacks
- Handbook: Student Phone Usage in Office
- Handbook: Student Smartphones/SmartWatches
- Handbook: Student Deliveries
- Handbook: Field Trips
- Handbook: Lost and Found
- Handbook: Dress Code
- Handbook: School Nurse
- Handbook: First Aid
- Handbook: Medications
- Handbook: Student Discipline
- Handbook: Returned Checks
- Handbook: The Leader in Me
- Handbook: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Handbook: School-Parent Compact
Medications given at school require a medication authorization form to be completed by the physician and the parent(s) for prescription medications. Parents will be notified when refills are needed. Over-the-counter medications must be signed-in by the parent and cleared by the RN.
All over-the-counter medications left at school must be in a new and unopened bottle. Non-prescription drugs should have written permission, time, and proper dosage for your child. All medications must be delivered to the school by a parent/guardian, and must be in the original container with clear, current instructions. The parent/guardian shall pick up the student's medication at the end of the school year. All medications not picked up will be destroyed.
When it becomes necessary for a child not to participate in P. E. for a period of time due to injury or illness, the parent must provide a note from a physician to that effect to be filed in the school office. If a student is injured off-campus and requires crutches, a wheelchair, or other medical equipment, please contact the nurse’s office.If a student is sent home from school with a fever of 100.4 or above, the student must remain home for 48 hours. The student must remain fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication.