- Belforest Elementary School
- Handbook: Field Trips
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- Handbook: Car Rider/Bus Procedures
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- Payment for all School Related Items-MySchoolBucks
- Handbook: Breakfast/Lunch
- Handbook: Fast Food Restrictions
- Handbook: Parents Attending Lunch With Their Child
- Handbook: Snack
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- Handbook: Field Trips
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- Handbook: Dress Code
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- Handbook: Student Discipline
- Handbook: Returned Checks
- Handbook: The Leader in Me
- Handbook: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Handbook: School-Parent Compact
Field trips serve as an invaluable learning experience and provide learning enrichment to our program. You will always be notified in advance of the date a trip will be taken, the cost of the trip and the deadline for payment. Often, this deadline is several weeks before the actual date of the trip because, for most events, reservations and payments are necessary.- The permission form and money must be sent in by the deadline in order for your child to participate.**NO money or permission forms will be accepted on the day of the field trip.
- In most cases, the student permission form will be digitally included with the online payment with MySchoolBucks. Please fill out items in their entirety. In the event you receive a paper student permission form, it has two portions. The top portion gives the field trip details. The bottom portion gives your permission for your child to attend. Return the bottom portion of the permission form and your payment to your child’s teacher. Monies for field trips are nonrefundable. The principal or principal’s designee has discretion to refund monies under extenuating circumstances. Keep the top portion of the permission form so that you will know the date of the trip and what your child needs for the trip (snack, sack lunch, drink, etc.)
- Please use MySchoolBucks to pay for field trips. If you are having trouble accessing your MySchoolBucks account, you may call our Bookkeeper, Jill Yawn, for assistance at jyawn@bcbe.org or by calling the office at 251-607-5624. If you do not have a MySchoolBucks account, you can pay through our kiosk in the front office quickly and easily with a credit or debit card.
- Chaperone Guidelines: When chaperoning a trip, younger or older brothers or sisters cannot attend. Please take this opportunity to be with your school-age child. Chaperones are expected to be with students at all times, including transportation by bus, unless there are conditions known and approved by the principal or principal's designee. Chaperones are also expected to adhere to Baldwin County Public Schools’ policies for drug-free, smoke-free and weapons-free campuses. Field trips are designed and planned for school-age students in a particular class or group. Adults (other than the approved chaperones) or children outside that class or group may not be transported or participate in field trip activities.
- Field trips are viewed as a privilege as well as an enrichment. For the safety and security of your child, we may enforce discipline guidelines while on each trip. If a child misbehaves on a field trip, we reserve the right to allow the child to remain at school with another class when future trips are taken.
Students and parents should be especially aware of the following:
- Any student that receives a discipline referral to the office ten days (two school weeks) before a field trip/event may be denied participation in that field trip/event as a disciplinary measure.
- The dress code applies to field trips as well as the school campus. Please have children dressed appropriately for field trips.
- Students should not be removed from a field trip at any point during the trip by parents or others unless a letter is on file in the school office and approved by the principal or the principal’s designee prior to leaving the school. Parents choosing to accompany a field trip, but not ride the bus as a chaperone, must request permission in writing from the principal or the principal’s designee prior to the trip. Parents attending a field trip but driving their own vehicle will meet the group at the field trip destination. Cars are prohibited from following behind buses as it poses a safety threat.
- The permission form and money must be sent in by the deadline in order for your child to participate.**NO money or permission forms will be accepted on the day of the field trip.