- Belforest Elementary School
- Handbook: Class Parties and Special Snacks
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- Belforest Parent-Student Handbook Welcome
- Handbook: Introduction- Start Here!
- Handbook: Mission and Theme
- Handbook: School Schedule
- Handbook: Attendance
- Handbook: Visitors
- Handbook: Enrollment/Withdrawing
- Handbook: Car Rider/Bus Procedures
- Handbook: BookBags/BackPacks
- Handbook: Promotion Standards
- Handbook: Parent Communication with School Staff
- Handbook: Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Handbook: Emergency Procedures (Fire and Severe Weather)
- Payment for all School Related Items-MySchoolBucks
- Handbook: Breakfast/Lunch
- Handbook: Fast Food Restrictions
- Handbook: Parents Attending Lunch With Their Child
- Handbook: Snack
- Handbook: Ice Cream Purchases
- Handbook: Student Birthdays and Celebrations
- Handbook: Class Parties and Special Snacks
- Handbook: Student Phone Usage in Office
- Handbook: Student Smartphones/SmartWatches
- Handbook: Student Deliveries
- Handbook: Field Trips
- Handbook: Lost and Found
- Handbook: Dress Code
- Handbook: School Nurse
- Handbook: First Aid
- Handbook: Medications
- Handbook: Student Discipline
- Handbook: Returned Checks
- Handbook: The Leader in Me
- Handbook: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Handbook: School-Parent Compact
There are two class parties scheduled each year: Christmas and the End of the Year.
Teachers/room parents may choose to arrange a special snack for the following occasions: Halloween, Thanksgiving, 100th Day of School, Grandparents, Mother’s, or Father’s Day, Valentines Day, Mardi Gras, Honors Day. Many times, food items are used as educational opportunities to learn about others’ cultures, heritage, etc. These items are not considered a special snack.
No homemade items are allowed as special snacks. Due to many restrictions and allergies, all special snacks should be store-bought, and if possible, individually wrapped.