- Baldwin County Public Schools
- Federal Programs
- Title X, Part C
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Title IX)
What is McKinney-Vento?
The purpose of the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act (Title IX) is to ensure that all children and youth living in homeless situations have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other children and youth. The Baldwin County Board of Education has developed policies to remove any barriers that would hinder their academic success and provide them with the same educational services and opportunities to meet the same challenging state student performance standards to which all students are held.
Who is considered homeless?
Children and youth who are:
- sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as doubled-up);
- living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camp grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
- living in emergency or transitional shelters;
- abandoned in hospitals; or
- migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described above.
If you meet one of the above criteria and need assistance, please contact your child's school counselor and/or social worker.
Parents’ and Students’ Rights:
- Receive a free, appropriate public education.
- Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment.
- Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents.
- Enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin (the school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is their preference and is feasible. If the school district believes that the school selected is not in his/her best interest, then the district must provide the student with a written explanation of its position and inform the student of his/her right to appeal its decision.
- Receive transportation assistance to and from the school of origin, if requested.
- Receive educational services comparable to those provided for other students, according to the students’ needs.