- Baldwin County Public Schools
- BCBE Supporting Reading at Home
BCBE Supporting Reading at Home
Welcome to the Baldwin County Public Schools' website "Supporting Reading at Home". Below you will find a wealth of resources to support your kindergarten through third-grade students as they work to become great readers! Feel free to reach out to the Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Department if you have any questions about the resources highlighted on this site.
Links to supportive reading at home
Alabama Literacy Act
The Alabama Literacy Act was passed in 2019 and created to help improve reading in Alabama public schools to ensure students are reading on grade level by the end of the 3rd grade. Reading is the gateway to lifelong achievement and the students of Alabama
deserve a strong start on their path to success. -
Alabama Literacy Act: Spanish
La Ley de Alfabetización de Alabama se aprobó en 2019 y se creó para ayudar a mejorar la lectura en las escuelas públicas de Alabama para garantizar que los estudiantes lean al nivel de grado al final del 3er grado. La lectura es la puerta de entrada a los
logros de toda la vida y los estudiantes de Alabama merecen un comienzo sólido en su camino hacia el éxito. -
Alabama Reading Initiative
The document to the left has links to at-home reading support for families and communities. Scan the QR codes to access resources in each category.
Fluency: Reading fluency strategies
The following strategies and activities are designed to achieve two primary goals:
1. To help children read words accurately and effortlessly.
2. To help children read with appropriate rates of reading fluency. Katie and I frequently discuss the keys that allow us to help many new or struggling readers achieve the above goals. From our experience, we both agree the creation of fluent readers is dependent on two instructional ingredients (it is also nice to know our conclusions are backed by research as well).