Agriculture and Natural Resources

  • Students who select the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources cluster are interested in the planning, implementation, production, management, or marketing of agriculture, food, and natural resources. The foundation course, Agriscience, may be offered to all ninth through twelfth-grade students.

    Students are provided with the essential knowledge, high-level skills and training demanded work in this cluster. Learning activities simulate types of work environments students may encounter. The classroom and laboratory for this cluster provide a safe and appropriate setting for active, structured, and stimulating student learning and assessment. This cluster emphasizes the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.

    The Career Tech Student Organization for this cluster is Alabama  FFA Organization whose activities help students develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.

    Students participating in this program area have an opportunity to obtain an Adult Beef Quality Assurance Certification, Pork Quality Assurance Certification, Briggs & Stratten Certification, National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER)  Certification, Landscape Technician, or Urban Forestry Certification.

    This cluster is offered at the following schools:


    Typical Careers in this Cluster include:

    • Environment Engineer
    • Farmer/Rancher
    • Forest and Conservation Workers
    • Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists