Project Outreach

  • Project OutReach is a club that promotes meaningful relationships between special needs students and their non-disabled peers. Our Club also provides opportunities for special needs students to have social interactions with peers at school and within the community.  Club members will have opportunities to participate in special events with special need peers both on and off campus and help promote disability awareness and acceptance. Project OutReach meets the first Wednesday of each month in the cafeteria during break time.  

    Meeting Dates for the 2024-2025 school year:

    • September 4th
    • October 2nd
    • November 6th
    • December 4th
    • January 15th
    • February 5th
    • March 12th
    • April 2nd
    • May 7th

    Please sign up for these notifications:

    • Remind notices text  @8b8fdab

    Club sponsors