Science Bowl

  • SPANISH FORT MIDDLE SCHOOL : Alabama Regional Science Bowl Champions and National Science Bowl Participants: 2010, 2012, 2016

    Who can participate?  Participation in Science Bowl is open to all 7th and 8th Grade students who have a strong interest in math and science.

    When will meetings take place?  Science Bowl practice will begin in September and take place on Friday mornings from 7:10 - 7:45 AM.  All scheduled practices can be viewed in the calendar link.  

    Where are practices held?  Room 016 - Coach Daniels

    How will team members be selected for the competition?  All participating students will compete for selection to represent Spanish Fort Middle School in the Alabama Regional Science Bowl Competition held in March at the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science in Mobile.  The number of students (minimum of 4, maximum of 15) selected to participate in the regional competition is dependent upon the number of teams (minimum of 1, maximum of 3) per registered school allowed to participate by the regional competition coordinator.

    Science Bowl Sponsor: Coach Tim Daniels (8th Grade Physical Science)

    What is Science Bowl?  Launched in 1991, the National Science Bowl® (NSB) is a highly competitive science education and academic event among teams of high school and middle school students who compete in a fast-paced verbal forum to solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math.  Middle school questions are in life science, physical science, earth and space science, energy, mathematics.  Questions in earlier competition rounds are easier than those in later rounds and regional questions are generally easier than national questions.

    The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) which is interested in making math and science fun for students and encouraging them to pursue studies and careers in math and science. The DOE sponsors many science research projects in all disciplines and has a vested interest in future young scientists. The DOE partners with volunteers and organizations all over the country to coordinate regional events.

    In the fall of each school year, middle and high school students form a team(s) of 4-5 students and a coach, who is usually a teacher.  A coach may bring up to three teams from the same school IF the regional event allows for multiple teams.  The Alabama Regional Science Bowl Competition, where teams from across the state compete, is held annually in March at the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science (ASMS) in Mobile.  The 2023 regional competitions will be either virtual or in-person. In-person events may be required to change to a virtual format at any time. 

    Each team that wins their regional tournament, 69 high school teams and 50 middle school teams from all over the country, receive an all-expenses paid trip to compete in the national event held April 27 – May 1, 2023. Regional winners travel to Washington, DC to compete for the national title. They arrive in Washington, DC on a Thursday and have a full schedule of educational seminars, competitions, hands-on science activities, and sightseeing before they start the academic competition which takes place at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland.   

    2022 National Science Bowl Rules for IN-PERSON Competitions

    2022 National Science Bowl Rules for VIRTUAL Competitions

    2019 National Science Bowl Middle School Championship Match