- Spanish Fort Middle
- 7th Grade Electives
Elective Class Descriptions
**Class availability is subject to change**
7th Grade Electives (Semester Electives)
This course will provide instruction on the basic elements of art. Students will explore how to create and produce arts products, relating and connecting them to historical, current and personal events. Students will also have an introduction to history of art.
Creating, performing, responding and connecting are some of the skills students use to understand how drama communicates ideas and allows for self-expression. Students will study, write and/or perform scenes and monologues. Students will also be introduced to basic history of Drama.
Music Appreciation
Students will engage, through criteria set in collaboration with the teacher, in meaningful and purposeful music-making within the four Artistic Processes; creating music (improvising, composing, arranging); performing music (singing or with instruments); responding to music (listening to and analyzing); connecting music learning and experiences to the larger curriculum, other cultures and disciplines within and outside of the arts. In doing so, students will experience the following concepts of music: rhythm, melody, form, timbre, texture and harmony, style, and expression; taught by a certified music teacher.