• Dear SFMS Parents/Guardians:  Please review the attached BCBE Dress Code and Compliance with your child.  Keep this code in mind when choosing and making purchases of school clothing for the upcoming school year. 




    • Administration will make every effort to help the child “fix” the dress code issue before calling home.
    • If the issue cannot be “fixed”, the student will call home for a change of clothes.
    • Areas of concern from previous year:
      • Fit:  Tops and bottoms (Too tight?  Showing cleavage?)
      • Length:  Fingertip or mid-thigh--whichever is longer.
      • Shirt over leggings (must cover the bottom)
      • Problem:  Shirt is longer than length of shorts.  If it looks as if the student is not wearing anything under the shirt, it will be addressed. 
      • Females wearing sports bra under a sweatshirt or shirt.  Do not wear to school.  We should not see any undergarments.
      • Boys under garments showing under short fitting shorts.
      • Students should not wear any kind bedroom wear including slippers to school.
    • SFMS will follow the compliance policy outlined by the BCBE.
    • Parents:  If possible, CHECK your student’s clothing before they leave home to come to school. 



    SFMS Administration

    Secondary School (Middle/High) dress code can be found in the BCBE Parent and Student Handbook attached below:

    Link to Parent/Student Handbook