• Welcome to Daphne High School
    Library and Media Center
    LIBRARIAN: Ellen Marler 

    DHS now owns the Bloom’s Literature Database. Use the link below to access this tool from home or school:  Bloom's Literature (Use: daphnehs/trojans) 

     The Library's collection of Salem Press publiations is now available online.  To access books on literature, history and science, simply click on this link:  Salem Press Online (Use: daphnehs/trojans if asked

    Use epointplus to gain access to Gumdrop books. (Use: daphnehs/trojans) 



    Access the world of reading through the Baldwin County Public Schools Digital CatalogBCPS offers K-12 users access to magazines, eBooks and audiobooksSORA is accessible through BCBE Student and Employee portals. 

    Look for this icon


    You can search the DHS Library Collection by clicking on the link below or from your Chromebook desktop under the ibaldwinbookmarks tab on the bookmark bar.  From the pull down screen select Library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).  Select the DISPLAY option. From there you can search by AUTHOR, TITLE, or SUBJECT.
    Alabama Pioneers is a FREE website devoted to discovering and sharing the footprints left behind by our ancestors through transcribed documents/articles, stories, and biographies as we journey through our state’s history. We report the great stories from the past! 

    The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources is available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.


    The Baldwin County Department of Archives and History has been established:

    • To collect, organize, describe, preserve, and make available Baldwin County, Alabama government records of permanent administrative, legal, fiscal, and historical value.
    • To collect, organize, describe, preserve, and make available records of historical significance in the founding and continuing history of Baldwin County, Alabama including, but not limited to manuscripts, correspondence, photos, books, and personal memorabilia.
    • To provide facilities for the retention, preservation, servicing, and research use of such records.
    • To serve in a public relations capacity by promoting knowledge and understanding of the origins and continuing history of Baldwin County, Alabama, its government and residents.
    • To facilitate the efficient management of the recorded information produced by the Baldwin County government offices.

    The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office.

    The Library preserves and provides access to a rich, diverse and enduring source of knowledge to inform, inspire and engage you in your intellectual and creative endeavors. Whether you are new to the Library of Congress or an experienced researcher, we have a world-class staff ready to assist you online and in person.


    Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks.

    Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related content today.     


     Students have access to the printers in the library for school assignments

    Students must share or email their document(s) to the librarian.

    Students should share their document(s) BEFORE leaving the classroom. Documents can also be sent from off campus locations such as home. 

    To help expedite the printing process, students should get in the habit of sending their projects for printing from wherever they are when work is completed, but PRIOR to submitting to teachers through Google Classroom or Schoology at which time ownership is transferred from the student to the teacher.  An alternative is to make a copy of your document prior to submitting work.  Not only is this a good habit to form, but the copy can be sent for printing, although work has already been submitted.

    Students should bring Chromebooks when coming to pick up their print jobs in case failures occur or editing needs arise.

    WEBSITES and PICTURES must be copied and pasted into a document before sending.  

    I cannot print solid backgrounds or dark and bold colors that consume large portions of the page.

     Documents can either be emailed or shared to:

         To share through Google Drive, send to: emarler@ibaldwin.org 

         To send as an email attachment send to: emarler@bcbe.org 

    Students may check out up to three books. Our check out time is 14 school days.   Charges for lost/damaged books are based on the cost of replacement.
    Please remember...NO FOOD OR DRINK in the library.