- Daphne High School
- Bus Information
DHS Bus Information
Welcome to the Daphne High School
Bus Information Page
Attached is a list of our bus drivers and the neighborhoods and streets they will service for the 2024-25 school year. If you do not see your location on the list, please email me at bwilliamson1@bcbe.org and I will get the information you need.
I have also included a detailed copy of each driver's route. You can refer to this document to see details on the specific stops for each driver. This is the information provided to us by the BCBE transportation department for all drivers and bus routes.
There are a couple of recommendations I have for you for the first few days of school:
1. Get to the bus stop early the first morning, then you can get an idea of the approximate time that the driver will be picking your child up. Most routes will end and drop off at the school around 7:10-7:15am, so you know the pickup time will be sometime between the route start time and the end time. After the first day or so, you will know about what time the driver will pick up each day.
2. You can take your child to school the first day. They can then get on their designated bus in the afternoon and the driver can let them know a more accurate time they will be picking up each morning and the exact location.
Please also note that there are several drivers that pick up in Lake Forest. The streets they pick up on are listed under the "LAKE FOREST" heading next to each of their names.
The beginning of school is always hectic, so there are bound to be changes to the current information. We will keep you updated as necessary. Again, if there are any questions, please email me at bwilliamson1@bcbe.org.
Thank you and have a wonderful rest of the summer!!
Brian Williamson
Assistant Principal
Daphne High School