• Welcome to
    Daphne High School
    Mu Alpha Theta
    Sponsor – Ludvigsen and Olivares

    Mu Alpha Theta is the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society with 105,000 student members in June 2014 in more than 2100 schools. We are dedicated to inspiring keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two-year college students. Requirements for membership are set at the national level and include 1) completion of high school math courses through Algebra 2 with Trigonometry, 2) an A or B average earned in all completed math courses, and 3) currently enrolled in the next course above Algebra 2 with Trigonometry or higher. When a MAT member is a senior, he/she has the opportunity to order cords to wear at graduation and receives an embossed MAT sticker on their diploma. Web address: http://www.mualphatheta.org