• Welcome to Daphne High School
    Summer School and Summer Credit Opportunities

    Summer School 2023

    High School/Middle School

    Baldwin County Public Schools


    What are the dates, times, and fees for summer school 2023?

                      Summer school for middle and high school students begins on Monday, June 5, and ends on Thursday, July 20.  There is a scheduled holiday on June 19, 2023 for Juneteenth. The mid-term break is during the week of July 3, 2023. Students who have not completed their coursework should return to summer school on July 10, 2023. Summer school ends July 20, 2023. Middle school students will attend summer school during the same dates as high school students this year. For all students, once the course(s) are complete and the summer school completion form is verified, students may be dismissed from summer school.

    Summer school hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, at the high school in each feeder pattern.  There will not be fees charged for credit recovery and/or summer school courses this year. The fee for summer school initial credit courses is $300 for a student taking one or more full courses or $150 for a student taking only half a credit course. The maximum fee per student is $300.


    When will students be able to sign up for summer school?

                      Students must register and pay tuition (if applicable) for summer school no later than 11:30 a.m. on June 2. Students are encouraged to register early. There is no maximum number of credit recovery courses that students may take during summer school (except in some cases of athletic eligibility). However, it is recommended that most students plan to take no more than two courses in summer school due to time limitations. There is a limit of two courses for initial credit during summer school. The number of courses should be a decision made in collaboration with the counselor, student, and parent.

    Summer School Enrollment Forms will be used to enroll students (required forms are linked below) Counselors may refer students by sending the Recommendation Form to parents (optional forms are linked below).

    Required 7-8 Enrollment Form

    Required 9-12 Enrollment Form

    Optional 7-8 Recommendation Form

    Optional 9-12 Recommendation Form


    What is the difference between regular Summer School and Credit Recovery in high school?

    Regular summer school is for those high school students who have previously received a grade of 0-39 in the course. Students must pass the summer school course with a 60% or above. The final grade in summer school is based on the average grade earned after completion of all lessons in the course.

    Credit recovery is for the high school students who previously received a grade of 40-59 in the course. Credit recovery students will only complete the objectives he/she has not mastered as indicated on a pretest. The student will then work at his/her own pace to complete the lessons. The maximum final grade allowed in credit recovery is a 70. Credit Recovery is not NCAA-approved.  BCBE Credit Recovery Agreement/Permission Form


    What about Credit Advancement? ( If Available)

    Credit Advancement courses that were previously offered through ACCESS allowed students to skip content based upon a pre-test score. Credit Advancement is no longer being offered by ACCESS during summer school. High school students may take up to two courses during summer school for initial credit with principal approval. Initial/original credit courses require students to complete all of the content and assignments within the course. The cost for taking initial credit courses is $300 per course.


    May students exit summer school early?

    If a student finishes his/her summer school course early, and the summer school teacher has confirmed that the student has successfully completed the course using the course completion document, the student may exit summer school early. This is allowable as long as the students take their tests on campus.


    Are summer school courses NCAA approved?

    Credit recovery courses in ACCESS, Edgenuity, and any other program are not NCAA-approved. Most, but not all, regular ACCESS summer school courses are NCAA approved. Admission and eligibility requirements of various organizations are subject to change, and it is the student’s responsibility to consult with outside organizations, such as universities, the Alabama High School Athletic Association, NCAA, etc. to determine how credits earned might affect eligibility, admissions, or status.


    Are there any other general requirements/policies for students during summer school?

    • There are no buses for summer school. Students must provide their own transportation.
    • Summer school students must adhere to the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Student Policy. Violations of the policy will result in withdrawal from summer school and tuition will not be refunded.
    • Students must attend summer school each day until the course is completed.
    • Students who miss a day of summer school will earn ½ day of absence. Students who miss more than one day (two half days) will be withdrawn and tuition will not be refunded, when applicable. Tuition will not be refunded after the first class meets.
    • A suspension will result in withdrawal from summer school without credit or a refund.