At-Risk Program

  • State at-risk funds are for students defined as being at-risk of dropping out of school or are performing at an academic level below current grade placement.  These students are at risk of not experiencing school success and are in danger of school failure and/or non-completion. Reasons for school failure or non-completion may be due to situations, circumstances, and/or conditions (e.g., environment, family, health, and others) over which they may have limited control.  By providing focused attention and assistance in identified areas of need, students will be given opportunities to experience school success. 

    Therefore, the purpose of the at-risk program funds are as follows:

    • To keep students in school.
    • To encourage regular attendance and punctuality.
    • To better prepare students for the world of work.
    • To prepare students for further educational opportunities.
    • To promote and provide greater safety and security for schools.
    • To promote greater parental and family support.