Counseling & Guidance Services

  • The Baldwin County Public School System's counseling and guidance program is comprehensive in scope, preventive in design, and developmental in nature.  The guidance program includes the following four components: Guidance Curriculum, Individual Planning, Responsive Services, and System Support.

    Currently, the Baldwin County School System employs more than 80 school counselors. Each counselor within the district has met highly qualified certification in the field of school counseling.  The counseling and guidance program of Baldwin County Public Schools is an integral part of the total school instructional program.  It is comprised of all programs that occur at the school to promote the academic, career, and foundations of wellness of all students.  Each school has an Advisory Council which meets at least twice a year.  The Advisory Council is comprised of students, parents, community members, and school staff. 

    The Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Plan for Baldwin County Schools is the basis for the development for an effective counseling and guidance program at the district and individual school levels.  This document provides the foundation upon which students, parents/guardians, educators, and the local community build partnerships for collaboration in providing productive counseling and guidance services that prepare all students to function successfully in the 21st century.