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BCBE Teaching Positions
The Baldwin County Board of Education seeks to employ certified and highly qualified teachers for all classroom teaching positions. If you do not currently hold an Alabama Professional Educator Certificate, you must meet the eligibility requirements as outlined by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE).
Teacher Certification
The ALSDE is the issuing authority of all teacher certificates in the state of Alabama. Applicants must meet requirements in effect on the date the application for Alabama certification and the application fee are received in the ALSDE Teacher Certification Section of the Office of Teaching and Leading. For more information about teacher certification in the state of Alabama, please visit the ALSDE website at https://www.alabamaachieves.org/
The ALSDE also offers a reciprocity approach for applicants who hold a valid teaching certificate issued by another state. For more information, please visit the ALSDE website for additional information https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/out-of-state-certificate/ *ROTC and Career and Technical Education teachers without Bachelor’s degrees may be recommended for employment after state requirements have been met.
Teacher Certification: From the home page, locate and click “Teachers & Administrators” (red bar at the top of the page), locate and click “Teacher Center,” there you will locate “Teacher Certification” or here is a direct link: https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/
Requirements for employment
All applicants for teaching positions in the Baldwin County School System must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Must hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution and meet all requirements as mandated by the ALSDE.*
2. Must hold, or be eligible to hold, a valid Alabama Professional Educator Certificate or Professional Leadership Certificate as prescribed in Ala. Code 16-23-1 (1975).
3. Must meet the requirements of the Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program (AECAP).A number of alternative approaches to certification are available for individuals who are highly qualified in their field but have not completed a college teacher education program. If you do not hold Alabama certification in the teaching field or area of instructional support for which you are seeking employment, and you wish to pursue alternative certification, please contact our office by emailing one of the Specialists listed below.
For Additional Information....
For addtional information you may also contact:
- Marsha Howard, Teacher Certification by phone at 251-937-0306, ext. 4331 or email at mhoward1@bcbe.org
- Michelle Wagonseller, Teacher Certification by phone at 251-937-0306, ext. 4332 or email at mwagonseller@bcbe.org