- Spanish Fort Middle
- NJHS Helpful Hints
Helpful Hints
- To sign up for Remind 101 for NJHS text this message @844dce to this number 81010
- Grades are due no later than 2 weeks after report cards are mailed home each quarter. You will need to turn in a hardcopy to Mr. Yohn/ Ms. Countryman Emailed submissions will not be accepted.
- Failure to turn in grades (even if you have all A’s) will result in you receiving a Warning Letter. Receiving two warning letters may result in expulsion from NJHS.
- You are responsible for completing at least 3 service hours a quarter. You will need to turn in a hardcopy of the service hour form to Mr. Yohn/ Ms. Countryman before the end of the quarter. Emailed submissions will not be accepted. Just like grades. You do not have to wait until the end of the quarter to turn in hours.
- Hours must be completed every quarter. If you do 24 hours in September, you still owe 3 hours for the next quarter.
- If you chose to submit donations as part of your service, you must attach a receipt to the service hour sheet. Placing it in the bag with the donations is not acceptable.
- If you do not submit your service hour sheet you cannot get credit for hours served, and you will receive a warning letter. Receiving two warning letters may result in expulsion from NJHS.
- In order to be eligible to go on the NJHS field trip, you must be in good standing regarding hours and grades.
- To sign up for Remind 101 for NJHS text this message @844dce to this number 81010