- Baldwin County Public Schools
- Elementary Course of Standards: State of Alabama
Page Navigation
- Curriculum: Alabama Course of Standards
- Pre-K Course of Standards: State of Alabama
- Elementary Course of Standards: State of Alabama
Secondary Education: Course of Standards: State of Alabama
- Social Studies: Curriculum & Outline
- Math: Curriculum & Outline
- Science: Curriculum & Outline
- English Language Arts: Curriculum & Outline
- Fine Arts: Curriculum & Outline
- Health & Physical Education: Curriculum & Outline
- World Language: Curriculum & Outline
- General Electives: Curriculum & Outline
- District Supplemental Resources
- Counseling Course of Standards: State of Alabama
Career Tech Education: State of Alabama Course of Standards
- Advertising & Design: Curriculum & Outline
- Agriscience: Curriculum & Outline
- Automotive Technology: Curriculum & Outline
- Aviation: Curriculum & Outline
- Business Marketing: Curriculum & Outline
- Construction: Curriculum & Outline
- Cosmetology: Curriculum & Outline
- CyberSecurity: Curriculum & Outline
- Education & Training: Curriculum & Outline
- Health Science: Curriculum & Outline
- Hospitality & Tourism: Curriculum & Outline
- Human Services: Curriculum & Outline
- HVAC: Curriculum & Outline
- JROTC: Curriculum & Outline
- Law Enforcement: Curriculum & Outline
- Mechatronics: Curriculum & Outline
- STEM Engineering: Curriculum & Outline
- Welding: Curriculum & Outline
Elementary Education: Curriculum Resources
Kindergarten: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: Kindergarten
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
First Grade: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: First Grade
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
Second Grade: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: Second Grade
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
Third Grade: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: Third Grade
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
Fourth Grade: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: Fourth Grade
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
Fifth Grade: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: Fifth Grade
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
Sixth Grade: Curriculum Resources
Baldwin County Elementary Curriculum Resources: Sixth Grade
District-supported curriculum programs and materials are outlined below. The shaded materials are the adopted, core instructional materials and all other materials are supplemental, interventions, and/or assessment resources.
Elementary Education: Quarterly Syllabus
Kindergarten: Quarter 1: Syllabus
Kindergarten: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
1st Grade Quarter 1: Syllabus
1st Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
2nd Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
2nd Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
3rd Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
3rd Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
4th Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
4th Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
5th Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
5th Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
6th Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
6th Grade: Quarter 1: Syllabus
The chart below outlines the instructional focus per subject for the 1st quarter. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.